Example sentences of "should [adv] be the " in BNC.

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1 These questions should properly be the subject of extensive research and debate , since on the answers hang decisive issues of antiracist strategy .
2 Conran found himself beleaguered and somewhat bemused as to why his group should suddenly be the focal point of so many would-be suitors .
3 So it sho still should only be the two pound out .
4 Vogel 's book entitled Japan As Number One ( 1979 ) is the epitome of this trend , as he sets a scenario in which he not only predicts that the Japanese economy will be the biggest in the world before the end of the century , but also that Japanese society should henceforth be the model for post-industrial societies .
5 As to the second argument , the Court accepted that in principle it was desirable to entrust supervisory control to a judge , concluding that the rule of law implies that executive interference with individual rights should be subject to effective control which should normally be the judges on the ground that this offers the best guarantee of independence , impartiality , and proper procedures .
6 So I 've asked her just to phone cancel it out , and that should just be the end of it .
7 The magnitudes of these two readings should not be the same , if the zero-offset has been set correctly .
8 Another sharp prod came from the Bishop of Durham , Dr David Jenkins , who said women should not be the victims of ‘ political voting ’ by members who cared more about church divisions than justice for women .
9 Some non-permanent members of the Council complain that imposing a punitive peace should not be the job of the UN .
10 The social security review made some fundamental improvements , but that should not be the end of reform in this area .
11 It could be argued , therefore , that the focus should not be the victim 's mental state but the defendant 's intentions .
12 Red fish ( such as herring , sardines , kippers , and salmon ) are a reasonable , naturally occurring source of vitamin D. Eggs supply some of this nutrient , but not as much as red fish ; because eggs are relatively high in saturated fat they should not be the main source of vitamin D. Margarine has this vitamin added , but again is not the preferred source because a good eating regime should not be too high in fat .
13 Indeed , it is ironic that it is being pressed into use for ‘ social market ’ theories when the original papal encyclical seems closer to Mrs Thatcher than Ludwig Erhard : ‘ that which the individual can achieve through personal initiative should not be the business of society ’ .
14 the colleges should not be the poor relations of the universities , trying to become more like them .
15 There is no reason why the same should not be the position here .
16 ‘ The first point of reference should not be the interests of the state or of national security , but to the human person . ’
17 Theoretically , there is no reason why policy initiatives and executive action should not be the responsibility of individual departments .
18 ‘ Even if such measures are painful and certainly should not be the only way to cut costs , an analysis of the present economic situation in our most important markets leaves no other choice , ’ he said .
19 This could be why Jack Gibbons , the president 's science adviser , recently sent a letter to Mr Goldin insisting that the Russians should not be the focus of the redesign effort .
20 The administration , sources say , is anxious that the annual battle over renewal of MFN status should not be the centrepiece of its China policy .
21 It should not be the final sanction to which all persistent criminals progress , however minor their offences .
22 Erm the church would have no role within the state as being say in a erm erm in other words there would be erm the catholic church in in erm in say er a state like France er should not be the established church .
23 Rationing should not be the exclusive domain of managers and professionals .
24 Secondary education should not be the preserve of men , and the curriculum should not have a gender specific bias based on expected household duties .
25 Another view expressed was that the stock of money per se was not of prime importance and should not be the prime target of the authorities ; rather the authorities should concentrate on the liquidity of the whole system .
26 At that time , many well meaning people shook their heads and quoted ‘ trees for heirs ’ — the inference quite clearly being that I should not be the one to enjoy them .
27 I made one stipulation only to the Foreign Secretary , Sir Alec Douglas-Home , which was that my driver should not be the same amiable young man who had led me such a dance around Johannesburg .
28 Again , this should not be the prime reason for having it in our services .
29 Although these classifications and their spatial patterns tend to confirm the generally accepted view of rural population already discussed here and in Chapter 4 , Webber and Craig admit that multivariate classification is a subject on which virtually no two practitioners agree either in the UK or in other countries like France ( Chapius , 1973 ) and therefore argue that the crucial test should not be the methodology but whether the classifications are useful .
30 The first speaker should not be the one who discovers whether the microphone is working at all .
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