Example sentences of "way that was [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some feminists ( e.g. Sharpe 1976 ; Delamont 1980 ) have attempted to redress this imbalance , by using all-female , rather than mixed samples , treating the quality of education received by girls as a serious issue , in a way that was rare before the late 1970s .
2 This suggests that the boundaries of acceptable behaviour lie beyond mere unreasonableness , that the directors would have been liable only if on no tenable view of the facts could their actions have benefited the company : in other words , if they had behaved in a way that was perverse .
3 In 1944 , as we have seen , it was presumed that the best minds must be educated in the way that was traditional , by means of the grammar school curriculum , based originally on the classics and mathematics , gradually expanded , before the war , to include modern languages and experimental sciences .
4 I can myself envisage no circumstances in which it would be right directly or indirectly to require a doctor to treat a patient in a way that was contrary to the doctor 's professional judgment and duty to the patient .
5 Attlee 's arguments pointed clearly to the foreign policy eventually pursued by the post-war Labour Government — attempting to manipulate the emerging US superpower in a way that was compatible both with the maintenance of Britain 's overseas Empire and with her traditionally limited commitment to entanglement in European affairs .
6 In Britain the courts have recently decided that a leather firm should pay the Cambridge Water Company almost £1m in damages for contaminating one of its boreholes with chlorinated solvents , even though the solvents were disposed of 17 years ago in a way that was legal at the time .
7 In several studies of small groups , Bales and his colleagues were able to generate a list of frequent behaviour categories to enable them to observe behaviour in a way that was relevant and consistent .
8 The citizens of Rotherham were , at last , being confronted with the topic in their own town , in a way that was difficult for them to ignore .
9 Evidence from leading industrial companies to the Trade and Industry Sub Committee of the Expenditure Committee of the House of Commons in 1973 made it clear that too frequent changes in government policy and in the nature of controls and incentives covering the location of industry had led firms gradually to discount government policy when considering new investment in a way that was injurious to growth and the creation of new employment .
10 At a nod from his father , the undertaker beckoned towards a group of men who came forward with subdued eyes , eager to express their sympathy in the one manly way that was open to them .
11 He put down the pot , stared at the floor for a few seconds and then looked up glowering , pointed his finger at me in a way that was frightening because it was so sudden .
12 On an application for judicial review , the High Court may decide that the Secretary of State has exceeded the powers conferred on him by Parliament , or acted in a way that was irrational or procedurally unfair .
13 That development entailed a recognition that the concentration upon language by the school of logical positivism , within which Ayer 's dismissal of religious belief emerged , might not so much show up the meaninglessness of theology as elicit its own particular logic Wittgenstein 's thought appears to show a progression from concentrating upon language in order to exclude certain forms of thought — as in Ayer 's exclusion of metaphysics — towards concentrating upon language in order to make sense of those different forms in a way that was sensitive to their particular nature .
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