Example sentences of "way through [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But there are ways through the forest .
2 We stopped and built a makeshift shelter to get away , as best we could , from snow that filtered its way through every opening to produce melt water that trickled coldly over us .
3 If it had been a Peter Reid type , someone who battles and fights his way through every game as if his very life depended on it , I might have sat up and took a little bit more notice .
4 Lashley taught laboratory rats to find their way through a maze to a reward box .
5 So they entered the cheerful portals of the Jade Cockatoo , the only cafe to be found in Chetwynd , and threaded their way through a maze of small tables to an alcove by the fire , where they took off their soaking mackintoshes and warmed their hands .
6 ‘ THE man and boy walked along the London street trying to keep clear of the gutter , the man hurrying , clutching the boy with sharp , bony fingers , turning down one dark alley then another like a rat that has learned its way through a maze . ’
7 Responsibility for individuals may be handed from one department or agency to another or individuals may be left to find their way through a maze of fragmented information , responsibilities and opportunities .
8 We would descend to the basement and make our way through a maze of waist-high partitioning .
9 There were other advantages , too , in that the proposed arrangements would give a clear focus for informal carers and relatives ; such carers would no longer have to find their way through a maze of local services .
10 Left by the kitchen door at the rear of the house , walked cautiously up the back alley and quickly worked my way through a maze of quiet back streets thinking about it .
11 The high walls of the Castelo de Sao Jorge lifted above them as they worked their way through a maze of narrow alleys and then , as they came into a small square in front of a church , Devlin emerged from an alley and crossed the cobbles before them towards a cafe .
12 It is not very easy to judge when you are two-thirds of the way through a turn , so turning round a buoy provides a good reference point .
13 One day in 1868 she found a small tree pushing its way through a pile of discarded fruit .
14 This combination of fights , action and music proved equally unstoppable ( and profitable ) right through the '70s , Roundtree slugging his way through a TV series and a couple of further movies , stopping , at one point , to gain the vocal assistance of The Four Tops as he blasted a gang of unfortunate slave traders .
15 The River Otter , Coleridge 's ‘ dear native brook ’ , borders the town to the west , and makes its leisurely way through a landscape which to eighteenth-century inhabitants seemed ‘ the richest finest Country in the world ’ , and which even now preserves the striking beauty which so impressed itself on Coleridge 's young mind .
16 Publishers and booksellers will have to pick their way through a landscape made strange and problematic by change .
17 Publishers and booksellers will have to pick their way through a landscape made strange and problematic by change .
18 Not wanting to appear rude we ploughed our way through a bucket between us and then left while we could still walk .
19 The ‘ fattys ’ were feeling so thin that many let themselves drink their way through a bottle of drain cleaner .
20 The first thing you do is announce half way through a year that they 're gon na put back some , but not all , of the money they cut from the budget .
21 The first thing you do is announce half way through a year that they 're gon na put back some , but not all , of the money they cut from the budget .
22 The men from the lorry picked their way through a graveyard of broken stones to pray at a sheikh 's white-domed tomb , while we made our way across a wide flood plain of gravel and cracked mud to the river .
23 A long French liner slipped majestically by with a mixture of European and Asian faces staring curiously from its rails , then the Arid was pushing its way through a swarm of sampans moving downriver on local errands , most of them rowed , to Joseph 's surprise , by women .
24 and half way through a composition he ca n't remember who he 's talking to and things like that
25 A cold wind had picked up since she had arrived at the bar and she rubbed her arms quickly before picking her way through a sea of discarded newspaper to a metal drum and ducked down behind it , her eyes riveted on the door .
26 She could glance back and see him , bobbing his way through a sea of heads .
27 ‘ We hacked our way through a wall of living flesh .
28 Returning home , they were half way through a portion of lime pickles before finding a 25mm-long cockroach in the food .
29 Let us look now at what can happen when the ‘ top-down ’ view that children should learn to ‘ predict their way through a text ’ — is put into action with children whose reading has fallen behind even average expectation .
30 Talking to her was like hacking a way through a jungle .
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