Example sentences of "way [that] [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 Yet these define their ‘ membership ’ in such different ways that it is hard to draw conclusions from their figures .
2 Such rigidities can be observed in organizations and institutions as well as whole cultures : the small , traditional engineering or textile firm which fails to adapt to the market and goes out of business ; the political party caught between renewal and betrayal ; the institution so deeply set in its ways that it is hardly aware of them .
3 Thus we have to say of medieval popular drama that the sense of ritual ‘ presence ’ , of the kind still indicated by the formalized words and movements of the mass , has significantly changed , but may in some new combination of signals be still to some extent active , in ways that it is clearly -not in later forms and systems .
4 Thus , radical reform restructures rape offences in ways that it is hoped will facilitate the prosecution process without jeopardising the interests of the accused .
5 Then , before each execution of the add instruction , we arrange to manipulate it as data in such a way that one is added to the address portion of the instruction ; thus the add instruction refers successively to store addresses 100,101,102 , and so on .
6 Makers Matchbox last night promised deliveries but said : ‘ There is no way that what is coming will meet demand . ’
7 It is important to make a definite decision about this right from the start , without letting her feel in any way that she is being given a weekly or monthly ‘ ration ’ of her family 's free time , as a duty rather than a pleasure .
8 This is better for the male , too , and he may actually inform the female in some way that she is a secondary female , but as yet we do not know how .
9 Both sensory and contextual information interact in such a way that there is a trade-off between them ; the more contextual information input to a logogen from its top-down sources , the less sensory information is needed to bring the logogen above threshold for activation .
10 So there you have it — what happened and why in the greatest detail , reported without fear or favour , in such a way that there is no ambiguity as to what corrective measures are necessary .
11 One important implication of this must be emphasised , which we have glossed over until now : in the same way that there is no single pattern of development of sociology , so there is no single sociological perspective .
12 5.5 This conclusion will actually exclude the great majority of verbs ( or , more exactly , all normal uses of the great majority of verbs ) from appearing in construction with an adverbal adjective at all , with or without the claimed nuance ; either they will be related to their object in such a way that there is simply no need to mention any particular property of the latter entity , as in ( 30 ) ; or , even if there is some property of the object specially relevant to the notion introduced in the verb , that property does not belong to the object by virtue of the relationship between the verb and the object ; for instance , even if Angela in ( 31 ) resembles her cousin in that they are both dark , her cousin does not have that property because Angela resembles her , and even if the Prince admired his Chief Justice because of his disposition to clemency it is not the the Prince 's admiration that justifies the applicability of the property merciful .
13 It says the personality is structured in such a way that there is an egoistic anti-social area , the id .
14 They have an ingenious device called a " lens ' , whose shape appears to be mathematically calculated so that it bends these silent rays in such a way that there is an exact one-to-one mapping between objects in the world and an " image " on a sheet of cells called the " retina " .
15 Auditors are not responsible for reporting on irregulated entities overall compliance with rules with which it is required to comply , that 's unlike local government , nor are they required to conduct there work in such a way that there is reasonable certainty that they will discover breaches .
16 And if you want to try to understand say something like the er Iran Contra scandal then part of the roots of that scandal lie in the American constitution in the way that there is , th that the president is controlled by other aspects of the constitution .
17 She is obsessed with her brother in much the same autocratic and selfish way that he is obsessed with Pamela .
18 This means that if a person is threatening another 's property in such a way that he is likely to cause another to act in self defence , he commits no offence .
19 The head is an important part of a pint of beer and if beer is dispensed in the way that he is advocating through the implementation of section 43 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 , the taste , texture and colour of cask-conditioned beer could be altered to the detriment of the discerning beer-drinking public .
20 I am grateful to my right hon. and learned Friend for replying to the debate in the way that he is doing .
21 If his leaning is towards the physical side , or his leaning towards to biological side , to take chemistry , biology and physics , to take those subjects in the sixth form at A level , and then come straight to university and develop his inclinations in the way that he is here to do .
22 These assert that , under perfect competition , market forces will cause resources to be used in such a way that it is impossible to make somebody better off without making somebody else worse off — in this sense , perfect competition avoids waste .
23 It is only in this way that it is possible to explain the fact that Chingis Khan was able to organize the nomads of Central Asia , an extraordinarily disparate collection of groupings whether considered ‘ racially ’ or ‘ linguistically ’ , into a unified and effective war machine .
24 Either way , in later life he looked back on that experience as evidence that dancing could be part of everyday life in a way that it is not for most Europeans .
25 This does not mean that the interviewer becomes a cold clinical robot , but it does mean that he or she uses a particular instrument in the way that it is designed to be used — for objective study .
26 Furthermore , the pain caused by the presence of an embedded spine makes the muscles it has penetrated contract in such a way that it is driven even deeper into the flesh .
27 The flexible winding of the organ allows the music to sing and breathe in a way that it is not possible with conventional bellows , and Schrader 's performances , like the instrument , are bold and bracing .
28 We should keep our house and garden in such a way that it is an asset to the neighbourhood .
29 They become entangled in such a way that it is very rare for any to wriggle free , and while there is ample time to collect them at relative leisure they should nonetheless be collected as quickly as possible .
30 At its worst , the life of faith is portrayed in a way that it is tantamount to spiritual repression .
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