Example sentences of "way [to-vb] [noun pl] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Containers : Where ponds have been installed using the preformed type of pool or the use of a flexible liner , the easiest and most convenient way to plant waterlilies is to use the specially-designed baskets made of strong plastic .
2 Among other tips , they suggest a chemical- free way to kill weeds is to use old carpet .
3 There is no doubt that the efficient way to plan projects is to take them in order of priority — the marketing function has a major interest in priority setting — and allocate to each in turn the maximum amount of resources it can usefully employ .
4 The best way to compare papers is to mix up a batch of wash colour and apply it similarly to different sheets of watercolour paper ( Not surface ) , as I 've done here .
5 But with the other companies that have been established , and all water companies have done the same , the way to increase profits is to go into er a business which you 're in competition with other businesses and you stand or fail as to how well you do on that .
6 The zoos ' founding stock of lar gibbons came from the wild , and the usual way to catch gibbons is to shoot mothers and take away their infants , many of which die before they reach their destinations .
7 ‘ The only way to create jobs is to create the right policies for long-term sustainable growth . ’
8 In addition the Board believes that the best way to serve shareholders is to keep administration as simple as possible so that the Group can concentrate on its core business and maximise profit growth . ’
9 Another way to detect tensions is to notice ‘ if onlys ’ .
10 As I have said , the only way to help pensioners is Labour 's way — by giving them an increase in the state pension .
11 The only way to handle excuses is to treat them for what they are and get on with the business of collecting your money .
12 The best way to buy roses is still ‘ bare root ’ .
13 I discovered only last year that he quickest way to forget problems is by leaving terra firma several hundred feet below you — the less firm — the more terra …
14 The way to eradicate threadworms is for the whole family ( apart , possibly , from pregnant mums ) to take de-worming treatment , either an over-the-counter medication or the rather more effective prescribed preparation from your doctor .
15 Another way to transform walls is to form false panels on them .
16 Ultimately , the best way to get tickets is to live near Elland Road , or have a relative who does , so you can get to the ticket office in person .
17 ‘ The traditional way to eat peas is to buy them separately and put salt and vinegar on them for a sweet and sour taste . ’
18 Is not the truth about Tory policy on VAT revealed in the party 's latest campaign document — that the way to raise taxes is ’ Wait until they spend the money as that is the right moment to tax them ’ ?
19 And while it 's said that central government intervention would ‘ not be appropriate ’ , campaigners feel the only way to improve matters is through legislation .
20 Such figures appear to challenge the conventional assumption that the way to improve standards is to give the subjects deemed most important more and more time .
21 The obvious way to improve margins is to change the way that mainframes are built and — that is exactly what IBM envisages with its new generation of highly parallel mainframes .
22 Far more controversial is their calculation that the best way to motivate workers is to involve their unions at virtually every level of the company 's business .
23 No no because you want , you reckon that the way to stop things is to put , have rules on everything you know ?
24 However , at the moment the only way to stop attacks is to have all dogs muzzled in public .
25 Insurers say the only way to prevent attacks is to make schools totally vandal and arson proof .
26 An easy way to impress novices is by quoting the latin names of various sea creatures .
27 The best way to impress politicians is to mobilize public opinion .
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