Example sentences of "may be [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 It may be that you choose to obtain a mortgage , second mortgage or a loan from a bank .
2 If you feel that you are lacking in energy , and are feeling tired and listless , it may be that you are suffering from anaemia , which can be remedied by iron tablets ( your doctor can give you a simple blood test to check for anaemia ) .
3 On the other hand , the plus side of that may be that you are good at working alone without constant supervision .
4 It may be that you receive praise for a piece of work well done , and suddenly you feel that you made the right decision to leave the family home and strike out on your own .
5 Although this may be unwelcome , particularly if you are very fond of the place in which you live , the alternative may be that you spend the next few years in a state of anxiety and misery because of money worries .
6 It may be that you have been taking them for so long that you are caught up in a chemical spiral and can not now function without them .
7 It may be that you are wanting to get on and be involved in something new for God .
8 Alternatively it may be that you hanker after some lost love and are therefore convinced that we are doing the same , when in most cases nothing could be further from the truth .
9 The down-side may be that you now see without any shadow of doubt that you can not exist in an emotional or sexual wilderness indefinitely .
10 July is a significant month for your future , and with Uranus and Neptune involved it may be that you have to put your trust in the universe rather than try to control events .
11 WITH Saturn influencing your base in life , it may be that you have not felt out-and-out joy regarding the home itself or your relationship with one or two members of the family for some considerable time .
12 It may be that you are happy with your partner but there are outside pressures to contend with .
13 It may be that you will find success in alternative or more unorthodox fields .
14 If they do n't , it may be that you have some yarn caught around these cogs .
15 If the reason you left nursing in the first place was boredom or disillusionment , it may be that you had drifted into an environment which failed to take advantage of your best qualities .
16 It may be that you feel most secure in returning to a familiar environment .
17 Some employers are only just getting round to formalising recruitment and retention policies - and all that goes with them — it may be that you are one step ahead of them in attempting to update yourself appropriately .
18 The ACP will then consider the report at its next meeting , and it may be that you would like to be present at that meeting .
19 ‘ When it 's really flaming away and it 's the wood burning and not the Paraffin , then you put the lid back on loose , It may be that you 've over-filled , which is fine .
20 It may be that you think my association with a certain person will prevent me from doing anything about Geoffrey .
21 It may be that you have chosen a difficult argument to support or defend .
22 Another problem may be that you only have one machine for both recording and playback so that only one of these activities can go on at one time .
23 Because it may be that you th you , you look back and say , Christ , we 've been using those standards since nineteen seventy .
24 It may be that you have a form of postnatal depression that needs treatment .
25 After a few months off , your main worry may be that you wo n't be able to cope with a full-time job , which will probably put you off returning to what you were doing before the baby .
26 It may be that you do not recognise the deep-seated reasons why you hold some animals in higher esteem than others .
27 It may be that you are not giving yourself enough challenge in the learning goals you set yourself , and that you are attaining them without any stretching of your ability .
28 Or it may be that you are not introducing enough variety in your activities , either always doing things in the same few ways , or else doing the same activity for too long a time at one stretch .
29 If you find that you have difficulty in cutting down on your intake , consult your doctor — it may be that you have become alcohol-dependent and are in need of special help to stop the problem developing into full-blown alcoholism .
30 Erm er so er you know it may be that you would need to work , and I 'm sure they would probably expect you to have worked with offenders erm
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