Example sentences of "may find [pn reflx] in " in BNC.

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1 Another who may find himself in the same situation will call upon all his inner resources in his efforts to deal with the problem .
2 Although accountants may be on hand , the surveyor at partner level in a growing practice , or one of a substantial size , may find himself in the anomalous situation of spending the major part of his time on management for which he received no training rather than on technical matters , in which he is expert .
3 The range is obviously very wide , and you may find yourself in a Greek tragedy , or even a modern ‘ exercise ’ play such as Games by James Saunders , where the student may add to the text by research material which can be incorporated in the project .
4 You may find yourself in dispute with management on what seems to you to be a fundamental point of principle .
5 You may find yourself in the midst of a lengthy disputation about the rights and wrongs of a particular request you made ( 'But you said another five minutes , mum ! ' ) .
6 If you are selling a house and buying another one , you may find yourself in a position where you have to wait for your purchaser to complete , whereas your new home is ready .
7 You have been fortunate enough to build up a reserve of savings over the years , or you may find yourself in receipt of an inheritance .
8 Jules laughed , but then added more seriously , ‘ Nevertheless , you may find yourself in a difficult position before much longer , Alice .
9 You keep on like this , and one day you may find yourself in my position . ’
10 You may find yourself in an established language school with a well-designed language course and well-qualified teachers .
11 You may find yourself in a situation where there is no language school , no textbook , and even no written form of the language .
12 ‘ Do as I say , Robyn , or you may find yourself in a whole load of trouble . ’
13 Students desperate to leave home may find themselves in a worse situation than the one they left .
14 First-time buyers — especially in the South-east — frequently borrow to the very limit of their capacity to repay , and if there is a change for the worse in their circumstances , or if interest rates rise steeply , then they may find themselves in great difficulty .
15 And on the other side , subordinate groups have no other recourse than armed revolt if they are deprived of other means of exercising political rights ; or they may find themselves in a situation where their formal rights can only be made effective in practice by the use or threat of violence .
16 Since migrants and alien communities obliged to leave en masse usually return to their countries of origin , they are not usually technically refugees ; nevertheless they may find themselves in refugee-like situations .
17 In that case , corporate interests may find themselves in conflict with their political controllers .
18 In certain extreme circumstances , Her Majesty may find herself in a position in which she is called on to use her discretion in making a political decision .
19 But if we then turn to the ego — and , still more , the superego — and try to understand the sequence of development there we may find ourselves in the predicament of a person who tried to investigate the musical education of a child who had started learning the piano with grade 2 , then gone on to grade 3 , and finally ended with grade 1 !
20 At the same time , it was accepted that all the talks , petitions , donations and arguments had been brought about by the imminence of the Commonwealth Conference , where the Secretary-General , Sonny Ramphal , has warned that Britain may find itself in a minority of one over South Africa .
21 So , when it returns for yet another pre-killed dish of food , it may find itself in a listless , frustrated mood .
22 But traditions are made to be broken ; if this one is not , Lloyd 's may find itself in pieces instead .
23 If it does n't port to NT , how could it defend its position as an open systems company , the newsletter asks , anticipating that Sun may find itself in the ‘ embarrassing position of being one of the only significant RISC systems vendors not offering Windows NT on its systems . ’
24 For example , a conglomerate in receipt of inside information from an issuer of publicly traded securities may find itself in a position where actual compliance with its disclosure obligations to its retail customers ( ie. , those who wish to buy shares ) in accordance with the equitable principle of undivided loyalty causes it to be liable in an action for breach of confidence to its corporate clients , and guilty of tipping in violation of anti-insider dealing laws .
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