Example sentences of "may [adv] be [det] " in BNC.

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1 As I have already indicated , I am not sure whether there may perhaps be some mockery of the over-solicitousness of the Poet 's desire for this marriage and the begetting of a ( boy- ) child , as indeed of the appeal to the egoist 's desire to perpetuate himself .
2 But sealing may soon be less of a problem for her .
3 With a change in the rules over foreign ownership of domestic airlines now likely ( see main story ) , there may soon be more bidders .
4 Similarly , the painted jay , Cyanocorax dickeyi , in western Mexico is found some 4000km from the possibly conspecific white-tailed jay , C. mystacalis of Ecuador and Peru , and may thus be another pre-Columbian exotic introduction .
5 There may already be enough heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere to raise temperatures beyond the 2 degree target .
6 It may just be another part of ‘ growing up ’ , but take time to find out if anything is bothering them .
7 Diving at it and pecking it may just be enough to unsettle it as it makes the difficult final climb .
8 ‘ He may still be that , ’ she said .
9 Even with a perfectly judged autorotation , there may still be some tendency for the model to swing round in the same direction as the blade rotation .
10 As it sweeps on , through Greece and Rome , dark ages and renaissance , world empire and industrial revolution , towards this present century of war and destruction , it succeeds in suggesting that , against all the odds , there may still be some basis for the political and economic union now intensively , if fractiously , under discussion .
11 Although it is unlikely that decomposing snails will be found within the workings of computers , it is possible to come across computer " bugs " ; and there may still be some further nasty surprises .
12 There may still be some possibilities , however , perhaps by filling as much of the waking day as possible with exhausting and demanding activity to reduce the time which can be given to introspection .
13 There may still be some other warranties implied at common law in contracts of these types , both those covered by , and those outside the scope of , the SGSA .
14 Strategy may also be such a concept .
15 But there may also be another process which helps to keep the trees and the clumps in good heart .
16 There may also be some bleeding after intercourse .
17 There may also be some junior males trying to muscle in on the dominant male 's kingdom .
18 When you remove the basin brackets from the wall , it is more likely that you will damage the plaster ( there may also be some wood there with an advanced case of wet rot ) ; Allow time in the schedule for repairing the plaster before you go any further — modern d-i-y plasters can be applied up to two inches thick .
19 There may also be some economies of scale in marketing effort .
20 There may also be some sex-linked predisposition to developmental disorders such as enuresis , encopresis and retarded reading as these tend to occur more often in boys than girls .
21 But there may also be more extremes in the weather such as severe storms , droughts and floods .
22 There may also be more room for professional bodies to discipline those whose conduct has not come up to expected standards but where proving dishonesty in a court would be hard .
23 And it can be particularly useful to have some background in this area , as a first job may often be that of an ‘ acting ASM ’ — particularly if you join a small touring group or a Theatre in Education company .
24 If we analyse the hoards of a particular region chronologically , it comes as no surprise that the periods with the largest concentration of hoards may often be those of great disruption and upheaval , such as wars .
25 Most start with a welt and then change to the main stitch and there may even be some shaping to do .
26 There may even be some good reasons for keeping out of this no-man's-land .
27 Where the terms are applied to a large scale transaction , or at the commencement of a trading relationship , they may be scrutinised by the business 's trading partner , and there may even be some degree of negotiation .
28 The resemblance to Marryat in O'Brian 's novels is unarguable in general terms and may even be more than a broad likeness .
29 There may well be all sorts of contributory factors which need stating but these ought to come after the full apology .
30 There may well be all sorts of deviations and fluctuations here ; the whole system expands and becomes complicated , develops and is continuously in motion and oscillating but , taken as a whole , it is in a state of equilibrium .
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