Example sentences of "may [pron] be [art] " in BNC.

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1 Fantasy may itself be a kind of transgressive reinscription , one presupposing a radical impurity in all identity , not excluding the transgressor 's .
2 The Lower Permian Sandstone beneath the Magnesian Limestone ( which may itself be a viable reservoir rock ) constitutes a deeper prospect .
3 Choosing a sampling unit may itself be a problem .
4 In fact the nature and direction of child abuse research may itself be a not insignificant part of the problem of deciding what to do .
5 Nisbet ( 1979 ) has pointed out the irony that this new distrust may itself be a product of modern education , since a number of new approaches to teaching and learning encourage children to ‘ think for themselves ’ .
6 The contrast may itself be a significant feature of the overall pattern .
7 the gay male parody of a certain femininity , which , as others have argued , may itself be an elaborate social construct , is both a way of giving vent to the hostility toward women that probably afflicts every male ( and which male heterosexuals have of course expressed in infinitely nastier and more effective ways ) and could paradoxically be thought of as helping to deconstruct that image for women themselves …
8 I would say with you to the good Lord ‘ spare me from Mr Kinnock 's gaze , hold on tight to the tablets of stone less they should fall upon this hapless servant 's head , may there be no rock so small that I can not shelter behind it out of Mr Kinnock 's sight ’ .
9 I would say with you to the good Lord ‘ spare me from Mr Kinnock 's gaze , hold on tight to the tablets of stone lest they should fall on this hapless servant 's head , may there be no rock so small that I can not shelter behind it out of Mr Kinnock 's sight , keep the rod and staff of Socialism firmly in your hands lest it be upon my back that it should be broken .
10 And may he be the healing of the things I wrought with his father ! ’
11 It is also important to examine the throat for the presence of gonococci ( by cultural methods ) , since , not only may it be the only site involved , but it is rather more difficult to eradicate the infection from this place .
12 In a similar way , the argument goes , God reveals Himself in particular events ( that may themselves be the actions of His agents , like Jesus of Nazareth or Mohammed ) but can never be reduced to them .
13 Landlords are usually the freehold owners of the property ( or they may themselves be the tenants of the freehold owners ) .
14 Some of the contents and recommendations of this Report may themselves be the cause of controversy in places .
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