Example sentences of "very important because [pron] " in BNC.

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1 These checks are very important because they can show , for instance , if there are likely to be any difficulties with the birth which may make a Caesarean section necessary .
2 I I 'm grateful I I I 'm winding up that we on this side we do believe that these additional six seats are very important because we believe that the European parliament elections are going to be very important and fighting them on these new boundaries with the minimum of delay in spite of the delay that had been caused by the government' incompetence , we regard as very important , we regard this debate tonight as very important to approve these orders because we can not so far work out whether the government will be fighting the er the whole campaign on the basis of back to basics while the E P P will be doing it on the basis of some other manifesto , vorsprung durch technik or whatever it might be , and they 'll be trying to merge those into two slogans of o of er vorsprung durch basics or or whatever it might be and this we do not know at all whether the government want to be part of Europe and whether their back benchers are gon na be willing to cooperate with the European peoples party or they take the money from the European peoples party but they do n't want to participate with them in the manifesto .
3 But there is a bonus to that in that people hope that by testing their ideas about the uncertain physics , by building models of that early stage , that those models will have consequences for the things that get left behind in the universe for the present , and so they might be able to test their ideas about how matter behaves at very high density by using cosmology , and that 's very important because we have no other way of doing it .
4 Dear Mr Patten , the rain forest is very important because lots of animals have homes there and will probably die out .
5 Welfare work with victims is very important because there is no widespread communal or police campaign of prevention of sex offences , unlike other types of crime .
6 This is very important because it is the basis of computer memory .
7 So that 's very , very important because it can be very misleading and you could be fooled into thinking that there 's nothing wrong with the baby , then there 'll also be swelling of the hands , feet and the eyelids might swell up , the medical word for that is oedema which you may well see in books , which means swelling occasionally the overlying skin is
8 I find this mode of evaluation very important because it allows me to see how the child is thinking , and to what extent they are thinking about problems they are being presented with , whether it 's shallowly , or whether they are actually going into it in some depth .
9 And it 's easier to get along with brother so and so and sister so and so , but for goodness me I find , I find it ever so difficult to talk to sister so and so and there 's an area perhaps that we can er think about , stay awake by being respectful and obedient and that 's something that is very important because it 's completely opposite in the world today , respect for all authority and obedience to it is absolutely gone by the ways I find refrain from criticism and careless talk so there are the main points , but as we say we ca n't go into them all , well , so what we 're going to do is to try and just highlight one or two little areas which we could er enlarge on or put the magnifying glass on , so shall we do that ?
10 And audience content when you 're making a presentation I feel that 's very important because you need to have feedback as to how well things are going .
11 well then my Lord ah my Lord not all objective criteria and this I think is very important because you can have objective criterias as I , as I submitted last week that would be erm in order to trade in this market you must have capital of twenty million pounds and ten years experience , but that 's uniform rule , it does n't discriminate it 's objective , but it would be anti competitive because here you are setting up the most important market er in this , erm as they say in Europe for the project futures market and you 're excluding people who could be in there trading and who could be effecting the market
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