Example sentences of "very [adj] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 b ) The foal is very weak at birth and slow to get to its feet to get its first suck of colostrum .
2 ‘ Life can be very cruel at times .
3 It is 2.30 am and things are very lively at Number 17 where it gets noisier by the minute .
4 Sir Denis is very popular at Walworth Road , the Labour Party HQ , even though it can not spell his name correctly .
5 Circus scenes were very popular at Colchester and there is an almost complete vessel , now in the British Museum ( fig. 14.8 ) .
6 Irish cattle were very popular at Norwich market because they were ideally suited for the coastal marshes in Norfolk and north Suffolk .
7 I could be very direct at times .
8 Because the flow stress of glass is very high at room temperature and because glass is very susceptible to fracture by the spread of cracks , glass , and materials like it , nearly always fracture in the familiar brittle manner and we find it difficult to imagine anything different happening .
9 These can be very painful at times and also cause photophobia and a deficiency in the vision .
10 The problem here is that having so easy access and the largest concentration of easy routes , it is very crowded at holiday time .
11 I knew this meant trouble as he was always very fizzy at shows .
12 Some deaf children are , however , very proficient at sign language and they can also spell out words using finger spelling .
13 ‘ It is very tiresome at times , ’ she said rather desperately .
14 I sit on an authority they are very tiresome at times they make mistakes at times rather like Governments My Lords but at the end of the day that surely is what democracy is all about is n't it ?
15 ‘ The ground was very fast at York which he does n't like and the rain came just in time for us on Saturday .
16 His criticism of the prodigality of government in October 1675 was very ill-received at court , and when a pension to his son failed to secure his support , the king wrote him off among those people ‘ who will never be obliged ’ .
17 ‘ We are very comfortable at Government House and Lady Franklin will not hear of our going from it so long as we remain in town .
18 Also it can be very cold at night , and we were forced to make ourselves strong and comfortable huts in which to live .
19 He can be very stubborn at times .
20 A generic term for any good-natured fairy who performs kind acts for mortals , particularly babies and women , so they are always made very welcome at christenings .
21 We have a variety of small farm animals , poultry and pets , and children are very welcome at Prospect Farm to participate .
22 " It 's almost certain that the enemy will attack the Residency from the north , very likely at dawn tomorrow .
23 The Department can be very awkward at times .
24 I was sad to see the martins go , even though they had often been very noisy at night and kept me awake .
25 One , Martha Barratt , had been very noisy at times , and he had been told that she had been found with a knife in her bed .
26 Summer visitors , colonial nesting , very noisy at breeding colonies ; nest always on flat ground usually sand , shingle or rocky marine islands .
27 Very noisy at breeding colonies : double flight-note alternates a rasping note like a Corncrake with a shrill cheep like a domestic chick. 9 ¼in .
28 Well as daft as it seems Dennis as you probably know in this sort of game you 're on the roads very late at night and when you 're on the roads very late at night , you get a lot of bored policemen
29 Well as daft as it seems Dennis as you probably know in this sort of game you 're on the roads very late at night and when you 're on the roads very late at night , you get a lot of bored policemen
30 It was very inadequate at times , especially in winter if you were on point duty .
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