Example sentences of "very [adj] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm very supportive of the changes .
2 ‘ We have been very very supportive of the exchange and all the operations that have been going on .
3 Singh 's silence prompted Indian newspapers , which had tended to be very supportive of the Prime Minister , to publish some highly critical articles .
4 In the past these people have been very supportive of the police .
5 Jim Wilkie , the council 's director of planning and economic development , said English Estates was very supportive of the strategic sites study recommendations .
6 She had been there before and was very tolerant of the young man plying her with questions .
7 Of course , in the 1960s or 1970s they were less likely to be called projects : they were ‘ schemes ’ , or ‘ plans ’ , all very redolent of the ‘ planning ’ of the public sector , indeed of all economic life in those Wilsonian days .
8 Crofters were very apprehensive of the possible changes .
9 I put inbetween the thighs three Arquesbusade bottles , one full of Camphorated Spirits very rich of the Gum ; one containing 8 oz of Oil of Rosemary ; and in the other 2 oz Oil of Lavender .
10 He was very untypical of the modern world who dislike the modern world and make their dislike of the modern world perfectly evident of other people
11 Poor Friday was very afraid of the snow .
12 Many users are not at present very demanding of a catalogue .
13 The disadvantage of Windows word-processors is that they , together with Windows programs in general , are very demanding of the hardware .
14 P. H. George Low was very fond of a midday noggin .
15 You , one gets very fond of a house really .
16 Old Mrs Brady never took to Moran but she grew very fond of the children .
17 Charles and Diana are both very fond of the Antipodes — Charles feels particularly at home there after his months at Timbertop — but it was a long and exhausting tour .
18 They had been so kind towards him , so very fond of the prodigal young man .
19 ‘ Not a thousand men appeared , ’ the Earl Marischal summed up , ‘ and even those seemed not very fond of the enterprise . ’
20 Although this may be unwelcome , particularly if you are very fond of the place in which you live , the alternative may be that you spend the next few years in a state of anxiety and misery because of money worries .
21 Many Home Helps become very fond of the elderly people they visit , often doing all kinds of extra jobs for them when they have the time , and the moral support they give to lonely old people is invaluable .
22 He was n't very fond of the river Wye , for its rocky crevasses had claimed too many young lives even during the short time he had been there .
23 Annie herself had grown very fond of the child .
24 We grew very fond of the Temple of Luxor which we saw from our window in every mood of light .
25 ‘ You 're very fond of the Dysons , are n't you ? ’ she said .
26 Johnson ate ‘ several plate-fulls of Scotch broth , with barley and peas in it , and seemed very fond of the dish ’ .
27 I was very fond of the sheep , especially when there were lambs , as well as the pigs and hens , but the dogs and the cows were very dear to me .
28 The Opposition are very fond of the idea that one can create new ’ safeguards ’ for employees .
29 She was always very fond of the farm
30 She had , like everyone else , become very fond of the little Burgermeister .
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