Example sentences of "new [noun] that have " in BNC.

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1 I could list a range of new contacts that have developed in England .
2 A second has been the creation of new technologies that have altered the scale needed for efficient operation .
3 past all the new houses that have been built , past the playing fields
4 Bryan Wilson ( 1970 ) has contributed some very useful sub-divisions of the sect category and various sociologists have tried to classify the new religions that have emerged during the second half of the present century in an attempt to find some order in the enormous variety of beliefs , practices and organisations that are manifested in these movements ( eg Beckford , 1985 ; Wallis , 1983 ) .
5 In the case of the structural changes occurring in the 1970s/1980s the UK 's crossroads was not characterized only by computerization , information technology and the new machinery and new products that have arisen .
6 ( iii ) Discussion should bring out examples of words and expressions which tend to undergo very rapid change in use or meaning — eg terms of approbation ( wicked , brill ) ; differences in the use and meanings of words as used by pupils , their parents and grandparents — eg wireless , radio , tranny , receiver ; and new words that have become part of the English vocabulary during the last 50 years or so , eg computer , astronaut , macho .
7 Thousands of pounds have been collected over a number of years , resulting in items of new equipment that have each been featured in previous issues of Glenpatrick News .
8 Nowadays the keen water gardener has become far more selective when purchasing waterlilies , either trying to obtain some of the rarer varieties or experimenting with some of the more recent introductions of nymphaea , especially some of the outstanding new varieties that have been produced in America .
9 The book was conceptually too demanding , but it gave a young , reluctant reader new expectations that have lasted a lifetime .
10 I should probably update one of these days because I know there are all kinds of new things that have come out — especially things that are smaller but which sound really good .
11 I think these have got to be slightly updated with a new er with the new rates that have come through , cos that was right on six four ninety two .
12 Three new people that have just started with me recently .
13 It was always apparent that as the AOR was completed many jobs and skills would not be required in the new orders that have come through .
14 The new features that have been discovered by re-examining Recent taxa alongside the many new fossil finds during the past 15 years lead to classifications that suggest that lampreys are more closely related to gnathostomes than either is to hagfishes .
15 I do not accept that the agency and the new arrangements that have been introduced are delivering a less good service than hitherto .
16 But the rate of scientific progress is now so rapid that there are always new developments that have occurred since one was at school or university .
17 Base your selection on the new symptoms that have appeared .
18 He examines the biopsy scar , the lumps in my groin and a couple of new ones that have come up in my neck overnight , and comments on how fit I am .
19 It lies engulfed amid the new colonies that have recently sprung up along the way to Mehrauli , a small enclave of mud-walled , flat-roofed village life besieged by a ring of high-rise apartments .
20 I have also of course been very excited by the new doors that have opened up for me that I never knew existed .
21 I 'll try and nip up there tomorrow , if not I 'll have to go on Monday I do n't think any , I do n't think run away , what will Monday 's date be , the ninth ? oh well There are those new Chronicles that have got to come out
22 The material new facts that have emerged involve new evidence from certain officers who were present on the night of the crime and who witnessed certain things .
23 The old-style conglomerates based around a bank which emerged from the pre-war zaibatsu differ markedly from newer groups that have sprung up since the second world war .
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