Example sentences of "any one [prep] they " in BNC.

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1 Each scrap of news any one of them had about themselves or their immediate family — child , husband , dog , cat , Bendix dishwasher , a new dress or pair of shoes , the price of every article they bought — was as fascinating to each other as if it were their very own ; and any little thing out of Great Meadow was pure binding .
2 Any one of them would love to take away the £1,000 winner 's cheque , won last year by Bristol Amalgamation , but first they 'll have to beat the other hopefuls on what could be a bumper match .
3 It enables the Commander to maintain a mental picture of the location of any team , and to think how he would react if an incident occurred to any one of them .
4 You do so many things , it seems pointless to mention any one of them .
5 It should be possible to live in any one of them without staff , though some might need a large and willing family to maintain them .
6 Each has its proper sphere , but in course of time each of them extends its jurisdiction , so that the same matters may often be dealt with indifferently by any one of them .
7 The other students stayed seated , all turned towards the newcomer , anxious to make his acquaintance , and I knew only too well that he could have any one of them he liked as his friend .
8 Any one of them might have taken her away .
9 Thirdly , since dominant females have most young it follows that the more subordinate females there are in the harem the lower the potential reproductive success of any one of them .
10 Any one of them would have promoted him instantly into mainstream Hollywood and even some of his friends thought he was mad .
11 Any one of them could have been the girl he was looking for , with or without a bandage .
12 They did n't know the name of any one of them , they just wanted the best . ’
13 You 're bound to find somebody there till twelve o'clock and any one of them will be able to take you to your destination . ’
14 Who on the allied side was the equal of any one of them ?
15 If any one of them applies then that is tough enough .
16 But instead of attempting to place any one of them in opposition to the others as the key feature , it integrates them all as being the expressions of the basic contradiction of capitalism , that is , the striving continually to expand production , and in particular the production of surplus-value , as opposed to the relatively restricted consuming power of the population .
17 Indeed , if any one of them had killed a cat , even in these special circumstances , he would have been put to death for it .
18 And if we overate on any one of them then any surplus energy would end up by making us fat .
19 But if the defendant lost , he was ordered to pay his outstanding debt by instalments and if he defaulted on any one of them , he had to pay over the rest in one lump .
20 ‘ Forasmuch as the exercise of archery is lawful , laudable , healthful , and innocent and to that end that God 's holy name may not be dishonoured by any of that society , it is agreed … that if any one of them shall that day curse or swear , in the hearing of any of the company … he shall forthwith pay down one shilling … to be distributed by the Captain , to the use of the poor of that place , or township where they shoot . ’
21 Afterwards , I eyed the other pedestrians in Soho Square with more than usual paranoia , ready for any one of them to turn into a crack-crazed mugger .
22 ‘ If they are glass , or paste , or any part of them are , or any one of them , someone will probably have blown away Simon Cormack 's life . ’
23 Mrs. Mirjam Foot of the British Library ( and currently Editor of the British Library Journal ) who kindly looked into the problem for me , pointed out that while there were some stationers whose initials and dates fitted , such as Richard Baldwyn , who worked in London till 1590 , there is no evidence of any one of them having been a bookbinder .
24 He trained them to regular confession , and whenever any one of them was dying would prepare them for death , and be thankful when they died in penitence , peace and hope .
25 Rosemary said yesterday : ‘ They were all adults in that car and any one of them could have stopped that train of events with one word .
26 The world 's top eight fit men players arrived in Frankfurt last night agreed on one thing — any one of them could become the 1992 IBM ATP World Champion over the next six days .
27 How I would love to be proved wrong by any one of them but parents and boys deserve my honest opinion , however much they may hate me for it .
28 In the hut , in the open snow , in the Factory , the Administration block , in the punishment cells , is any one of them a better ground to fight on ?
29 Any one of them would bring in a good profit .
30 She could have been assigned to any one of them .
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