Example sentences of "first time [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The mid-century gold rush to Australia added further to the supply of diamonds , but it was the development of the South African mines that for the first time brought a dramatic increase in the volume of production .
2 He met the descendants of Lascar seamen or other immigrants who settled into Liverpool and for the first time saw the need for justice to an immigrant community .
3 Despite Kipling 's dictum that " Never the twain shall meet " , the East had reached out and touched the West with a premonition , perhaps , of the planetary holism which was to grip our minds less than a century later when we walked on the moon , looked back , and for the first time saw the whole earth rising as a single bubble of life .
4 Aloud he said , ‘ Is Fergus completely lost to us ? ’ and for the first time saw the golden-eyed creature hesitate .
5 In a memorandum in that month of crisis the Ministry of Defence apparently for the first time addressed the issue of the foreign exchange costs of existing policy , in response to the claim by the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the end of July that Britain 's overseas military expenditure was running at £140 million p.a .
6 Actuality of warden describing the snake followed by interview where she sez it 's the first time she'stouched a grass snake and slow worms .
7 The year 1966 was when the number of people paying a TV licence for the first time exceeded the number paying a radio licence .
8 In 1651 the Dutch republic forbade its diplomats to accept gifts from foreign governments ; and in 1692 regulations were issued in Sweden which for the first time specified the value of those to be given to foreign representatives on their departure .
9 For structural reforms in third world countries , KfW for the first time granted a special loan of 1.7 billion DM to the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) .
10 She thought suddenly that she had taken Dr Neil for granted , that she had not fully realised either his hard work or his dedication , and for the first time understood the impulse which had caused him to leave the cushioned life of a younger son of a good family and become an East End doctor instead .
11 On death row in San Quentin , California , Maureen Timmins for the first time met the convicted murderer she 's convinced is innocent .
12 The so-called ‘ Second Ashida Memorandum ’ for the first time envisaged the possibility that , if the UN was not capable of protecting Japan , the United States would be permitted to send forces to Japan and utilise bases in order to defend Japan .
13 In 1716 the French Almanach Royal for the first time listed the Romanovs as one of the reigning families of Europe , an important recognition of Russia 's new status : during the next generation the completeness and irrevocability of her emergence as a great power was fully brought home to most observers .
14 A consciousness of belonging to a coherent professional group was both expressed and strengthened by the appearance , from the mid-nineteenth century onwards , of guides and yearbooks which for the first time listed the diplomats and foreign office officials in the service of most of the European states .
15 In Barcelona and other localities the PSOE would need the IU as a coalition partner , while the PP for the first time won an overall majority in the city of Madrid .
16 Scientists at La Jolla University , California , have for the first time established a link between nitrous oxide and the nylon industry .
17 Then , on 20 June , the Germans for the first time employed a new type of diphosgene gas shell .
18 Although this amounted to little more than a restatement of previously-agreed policies , including the Clean Air Act of 1990 [ see ED no 41/42 ] and the planned phase-out of chlorofluorocarbons , it did for the first time set a tentative target , suggesting that emissions of greenhouse gases in the year 2000 would be " equal to 1987 levels " .
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