Example sentences of "first she [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And so erm , it was n't as though these children ran across an open zebra crossing and she could see the children travelling er , walking or running all the way across the er er er er the pedestrian crossing the two children one was estimated by her to be about six years old , and the one who was actually knocked down was estimated by her to be about er , nine years old and she was n't travelling at any significant speed at all , she was travelling slowly because of the amount of traffic and she says that er the first she saw them was erm , appearing from the behind a car and dashing across the front of her car , and in fact , it was only the the the one who ran first the the older of the two children that she actually hit , she hit hit her with the near side front of er of her vehicle .
2 At first she thought she might take Leo into her confidence .
3 At first she thought he was just fooling around , but he quickly turned vicious .
4 At first she thought it was one of the old ones and she almost wiped it out .
5 At first she thought it was a burst of panic , which did n't surprise her , knowing what a coward she was .
6 At first she thought it was her eyes playing tricks ( did she have eyes ? ) , but then she recognized it : the glow cast by the Women 's spears .
7 At first she thought it was the sea , but then she saw it was the pool of tears .
8 Someone was shaking her violently , shouting at her , and at first she thought it was part of her nightmare .
9 At first she thought it was like a watch-tower , because the roof sloped down to the tops of the two windows , making them the most important things .
10 At first she told him that she wanted to be near her cousin Freddy , in the Engineers .
11 The action took her by surprise , and at first she told herself to remain calm and to take the kiss in the spirit it was being given , which was merely a making up between friends after cross words .
12 From the first she took her meals with Anna .
13 Dot thought at first she meant it was unkind for the man to be so constricted by the many instruments strapped to all parts of his body .
14 First she said there was no room in the car , but when Mr Sylvester said he would use the minibus her excuse was jerked from under her feet .
15 First she said she was going to marry Dunbar and then …
16 But I have made her promise to teach me to cook a little even though at first she said she would n't think of it . ’
17 First she got someone she did not know , then she got Marshall and finally she got Wickham .
18 At first she treated his request in a light-hearted way and broke into a fit of giggles .
19 At first she identified herself by initials alone , styling herself a ‘ minister or servant of the Gospel ’ , and she did not indicate her gender or give her full name until 1651 .
20 But she could n't ever see me , though I think at first she knew I was around , so now I mostly stay where I am and amuse myself with some of the other kids who are here too .
21 First she dedicated her song that night to the man who was bleeding ( he was still in The Bar , the taxi had n't come yet ) , and then to the men who had brought their fists down on his face just two streets from her Bar .
22 ‘ At first she hated it , ’ Louise continued , ‘ it seemed so remote and , in the thirties , of course , it was .
23 The thought lit a mischievous little spark deep within , and at first she shook her head , telling herself it was a ridiculous idea .
24 But first she invited us to her retreat in rural Sweden to talk about life , love , family — and home
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