Example sentences of "about what i [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Small children have strong ideas about what mothers do or do not do ; my own adolescent children are very worried about what I might do in public to embarrass them .
2 ‘ But do n't be weaving fantasies about me , Ellie , about what I might or might not be , will you ?
3 The Aristotelian view , as I have interpreted it , ‘ works ’ only to the extent that it is assumed that there is no problem about what I shall call ‘ the autonomy of desires ’ .
4 Every evening , as I lift my key towards the lock of my own front door , the same thoughts formulate themselves — the same sudden loss of courage , in my case , the same leaden fear about what I shall find .
5 ‘ She says , can you come to coffee and tell her about what I 'll need for school . ’
6 I 've sometimes made some rather awful mistakes when I have thought first about what I would like to give rather than what my friends would like to receive , so do try to find out before you embark on a special garment .
7 Apartment 28A in the Alcade Apartments was about what I would have expected .
8 I did n't really think at all , not about where I was going , nor about what I would do when I got there .
9 Sapt talked to me for three hours about what I must do and what I must say , what I liked and what I did n't like .
10 I had n't really thought about what I could write , just dashed eagerly to the word processor , my mind meandering enjoyably about the £200 prize .
11 On one occasion I had some winter clothes brought in and it did take up literally half the visit , sorting all that out , and arguing about what I could and could n't have .
12 She asked me to think about what I could do to protect myself .
13 I made a convincing show of joining in all this horse-play and appeared to enjoy it hugely for a week or so while I thought about what I could do to our cousin .
14 There were lessons all around me about what I should be doing , where I should be going , but I chose to ignore them .
15 Have you any ideas about what I should do ?
16 My mother has fixed ideas about what I should be teaching them , what schools they should attend and the clothes they wear .
17 I came away from the Oxford seminar with a clear idea in my mind about what I should do to stimulate discussion on this subject in Wales .
18 I was worried about what I should be saying , or about what Gilbert would think I should — or should n't — be saying .
19 ‘ Now I 'm much more focused about what I can do . ’
20 The agency have agreed to pay me a retainer for a couple of weeks while I think about what I 'd like to do next . ’
21 The Trust still asks my advice , but it 's not an easy process because although I 'm very old I 've still got a clear idea about what I 'd like to do in the garden . ’
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