Example sentences of "about [pron] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One thing about them surprised him .
2 Something about them made him feel deeply afraid , but he knew that he could n't just stand there .
3 mean oh you 're talking about I thought you meant
4 Oh it 's a thing about I loved him
5 Well not in the herring fishing but er there was also a a salt fish kind of processing place out in the Hens And me mother work at it and she used to tell us about I supposed they 'll be not rubber boats in that d days .
6 What change of circumstances had come about which made them take an entirely different view ?
7 Taping rehearsals also reduces the likelihood of arguments about who played what at the last rehearsal .
8 Wounded during the robbery , Roth ( Mr Orange ) actually spends most of the movie slowly bleeding to death , while Harvey Keitel ( the sentimental old-time thief Mr White ) , Steve Buscemi ( the motormouth obsessive Mr Pink ) and Michael Madsen ( the quietly psychopathic Mr Blonde ) bicker and brawl about who sold them out .
9 They were fighting for an objective which was far more important than local arrangements or local agreements er with er foreign imperial powers about who governed what er in , in their own country .
10 They were fighting for an objective which was far more important than local arrangements or local agreements er with er foreign imperial powers about who governed what er in , in their own country .
11 Maggie had not one doubt about who irritated him .
12 I find it hard to raise more than a flicker of interest about who killed whom and why .
13 But the friendships , rivalries and enmities that were the daily humours of this densely female world were often underlain by class differences , snobberies about who had what and who lived where — between the daughters of the traditional convent-school middle class and the rest of us .
14 If the police made Wheeler feel uncomfortable about who had what keys , Wheeler would simply pass this on with interest to anyone who crossed his path in the near future .
15 Yet the argument that she sacrificed her art for his is as stupid as the argument about who influenced whom .
16 Yeah you were saying about you said you said about erm the insurance , you were saying about that and what you were saying about your electricity .
17 No he , it was a bit peculiar , I could n't quite make nothing and they said something about they kept him away from other children or something .
18 oh I do n't know this , this Eileen said something about they had one the year previous
19 Just as the slightest of doubts about him crossed my mind — perhaps during one of his endless lists of the women 's sexual problems — he would throw in a sensible remark about the funding of the National Health Service , or the small amount of time GPs can offer patients , and recovered his credibility .
20 With the coat-collar of his Burberry turned up , he reminded her of a private eye in a film — she was under surveillance , everything about him accentuated his detailed analysis of her appearance , and she felt a shiver at what it might portend .
21 Everything about him assailed her senses in a way she resented bitterly yet seemed unable to do anything about .
22 Naked except for the band round his belly ; yet something about him marked him immediately as a singular character .
23 It is certainly applicable to certain niches in society , as witness that archetypal gossipy spinster , Agatha Christie 's Miss Marple , whose love of knowing everything about everybody made her quite plausibly a solver of crimes .
24 Lightheaded from a combination of wine , jet lag and lack of sleep , even thinking about it made him breathless .
25 It was n't a sound I ever remembered him having made , but certain things about it made me think it came from Quigley .
26 All the same , just thinking about it made her feel very shaky inside .
27 Just talking about it made her jittery enough to need a nip out of Thacker 's flask in Sam 's opinion .
28 Just thinking about it made his mouth water .
29 ‘ Those who knew about it said there was a subtle difference , but then people are so terribly insincere you can never tell if they are telling the truth , ’ says the 43-year-old photographic library manager .
30 ‘ I must say I was not aware of all the problems the police have detailed and would have done something about it had they told me . ’
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