Example sentences of "about [art] [noun prp] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Does the Secretary of State agree that until now , there has been little to encourage the new democracies of central and eastern Europe to change their minds about the EC being a rich man 's club ?
2 The first thing that you notice about the Antares is its modern looks .
3 Love it or hate it , the one thing you can never deny about the NME is that — even when it is n't immediately evident from the paper 's contents — we 've always adored music .
4 On Tellenor , according to the Jura alien , they have mastered the technique of passing through solid objects — one of the things Mr Marr said was worst about the Tellenoreans was that you never quite knew when they were there .
5 The story about the Wilsons was true enough and she herself had chosen to stay in Naples although the motivation for this , initially at least , was mainly a wish not to return to Britain .
6 What is surprising about the Metro is its reluctance to being screaming and howling when you start working the engine hard .
7 He said anyone who cares about the NHS is welcome .
8 So a dramatic story like the one told about the Carib is clearly not adequate : it over explains what is really a rather small difference .
9 THE FIRST thing you notice about The Wishplants is how they make performing on stage look so good and so damn easy .
10 The curious thing about the Minoans is that they were , in Mesara at least , building round tombs and rectangular houses : the rooms were rectangular even in the neolithic period .
11 What 's so unusual about the Calibra is that it is n't merely a two-plus-two , it 's a full four-seater .
12 What struck me about the Frankensteins was their youth , the father excepted , of course .
13 What she liked about the Savoy was the lack of babushkas , the old women who sat on every floor in all the other hotels and recorded all the movements .
14 What is striking about the Heseltines is that both register exactly the same expression of expectant acceptance .
15 My preconceptions about the Cairngorms being dull were shattered by this splendid ridge .
16 The thing about the Paddies is that some of them can pass as English if they 've been brought up here .
17 Unrealistic concerns about the CPS are evidently more important to the Committee than wider client choice .
18 The mixes are OK , but the whole thing about the Ultras is that their tracks are structured more in the song mode than club fashion , so they end up losing a bit of weight along the way .
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