Example sentences of "well i can [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , the more facts I have , the better I can combat the lies on the Prince 's behalf . ’
2 ROS : Well I can tell you I 'm sick to death of it .
3 Well I can tell you now why are constantly blocked up .
4 Well I can tell you if you get your right grade firstly you earn a lot more money .
5 Well I can tell you .
6 Well I can tell you I went to Cambridge er on er the twenty eighth of December nineteen thirty one .
7 Well I can tell you , sir , that is incorrect , there has not been a cursory look at sites as Mr Frost has already underlined .
8 Well I can tell Oh I can tell them wh In fact I would be prepared to do that .
9 but , but this , I 'd like to know brother James from this other brother Taylor , and that 's he 's always been er sort of s a strong wave sort of opinionated sort of person , cos he 's changed all that , well I can tell by talking to him last week
10 Well I can tell you that
11 Well I can tell you one thing , animals will not go into ours .
12 I says , well I can tell you what you phoned up three times on t' row for , I says , you 've no money again have you ?
13 Well I can tell you , I can tell you th the first part , erm about what the fourteen great achievements are , erm and only then could I , could I sort of try and answer
14 Well I can go without you
15 At least at least you know how you know if he says you can have this one or this one yeah cos the choice between one or the other and he says well I can fit this one immediately , but , this one I 've got ta order .
16 Well I can answer the second one first .
17 I do n't think it 's necessarily about teaching er children primarily about sex or about sexual pleasure , I think it 's all , initially , about personal hygiene and then developing that into how they can make their life safer for themself , or giving them choices to say , well I can choose to become pregnant or not to become pregnant and , I think it 's more about choices rather than saying orgasms and erm sexual pleasure , or
18 Well I can choose what I do n't want to do more than what I can do , that 's easier to you know .
19 Well I can bring it in erm er let's see .
20 th the problems that that is causing erm I 'm obviously I , I , you know very well I can talk for hours on , on many subjects and this is one of those that I can do so .
21 Well I can talk about this , I mean it depends erm .
22 Well I can talk the hind leg off a donkey , will
23 Well I can send it down with anybody .
24 And instead of continuing to tell herself ‘ I ca n't get out , I 'm trapped , there 's nothing I can do ’ , I told her to reverse that and start thinking ‘ Well I can do this , I can do that ’ .
25 Well I can do that I suppose .
26 well I can do with that cos I got a Three Eight Six , it should be perfectly fast .
27 Well I can do another one if you want .
28 Oh well I can do half a pint successfully , but I 've got ta watch .
29 I said well I can do everything in the hotel trade from housemaid to housekeeper to barmaid , the only thing I have n't done is managed one but I could do that if I had to and I done , done booking of the reception and I 've done bar , I 've done diner 's room , I 've done kitchen , I 've done
30 Well I can do you scrambled eggs tomorrow then .
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