Example sentences of "well [vb pp] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By contrast , there is more widespread agreement that the macroeconomic stabilization function will be better performed by central government than by local governments .
2 The public interest is better served by encouraging newspapers to publish unorthodox points of view in letters columns — an objective which is not helped by depriving them of a " fair comment " defence when they publish letters with which they do not agree .
3 If India 's government is persuaded that warming will produce better and more reliable monsoons , then it might decide that the interests of its burgeoning population would be better served by global warming than by attempts to hold it in check .
4 However , we should always ask whether the functions identified could be better served by alternative methods , as has happened with the development of intermediate treatment for adolescent offenders .
5 Other origins for the structure might be as well or better served by hot dark matter .
6 After all , the national interests of donors and the multilateral agencies they finance would be much better served by other projects than soil conservation which is a difficult , diffuse and problematic area for foreign aid with goals that are very long term and difficult to achieve .
7 To meet some of this demand close to the city , where housing can be better served by public transport , and where journeys to work will be shorter than from more remote areas , some Green Belt land , for example to the south east of the city , will be developed .
8 Although the authors see some advantages in a system within the local authority , they conclude that claimants would be better served by independent tribunals and feel Social Security Tribunals are well placed to take on the task .
9 Wright says : ‘ Some communities are much better represented by articulate voluntary groups than others .
10 The particular features of southern culture are better illustrated by individual attitudinal variables , therefore , even though this runs the risk of over-generalizing from limited data .
11 The nature of the obstructive lesion is , however , better defined by computed tomography or nuclear magnetic resonance , showing a hyperdense mass without enhancement after intravenous contrast injection .
12 The British Railways Board concludes : ’ Regeneration of the East Thames Corridor may be better promoted by other measures , eg provision of domestic rail services , improved road access , site preparation at public cost . ’
13 None of these collections was well catalogued or well arranged by present-day standards , and none was accessible to the general public .
14 Already well received by selected retail outlets , it is being used for window and in-store displays .
15 The speech has been well received by Muslim leaders throughout Britain … in Oxford its being hailed as milestone in race relations .
16 In 1907 he published The Discoveries in Crete and their Bearing on the History of Ancient Civilization , which was well received by contemporary scholars , including ( Sir ) Arthur Evans [ q.v . ] .
17 Six spacious executive homes by Berkeley at Brightwell near Wallingford have also been well received by early visitors to the site .
18 AI 's documentation has been well received by non-governmental organisations and the press inside Peru .
19 First shown at Photokina in October 1990 , and well received by professional photographers specialising in architectural and monumental photography , the Corfield WA67 is now available in a revised version incorporating a number of improved facilities suggested by users .
20 The Kingman Report was not well received by right-wing Conservatives because they wanted a return to the traditional teaching of Latinate grammar , and the Report came out firmly against this .
21 It is a theme well received by leading businessmen in the NorthEast , if an open letter from eight company heads , including Sir Tom Cowie chairman of Sunderland-based motor dealer Cowies , and Jeremy Ropner , managing director of Darlington-based mini- conglomerate Ropner , is taken as a typical viewpoint .
22 The game was up when the resulting record deficit on the balance of payments current account was registered , and well publicised by Labour , before the 1964 election .
23 So in turning to social processes outside employment , we are shifting to a sphere of study which has been well trodden by urban sociology .
24 His views and leadership will be well respected by hon. Members on both sides of the House .
25 Fundoplication has some adverse effets , but in most cases these are mild and well compensated by lasting relief of heartburn and regurgitation .
26 And that type of application is very well erm very well used by dumb terminal applications .
27 As well as offering a forecasting service to aviators , Weather Communications offers an observation and reporting service , well used by commercial organisations and authorities requiring validation of conditions on certain dates for accident claims .
28 The upgrading has been very popular locally , and the path is now well used by local residents especially to exercise dogs ; it is used by cyclists , esp .
29 CTI services are well used by academic staff and the University would wish to see the initiative continue .
30 Is it yet another symptom of the general decay of Western civilisation so well exemplified by widespread social disorder , the decline of moral standards and the onslaught of printed toilet tissue ?
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