Example sentences of "well [conj] [noun] by " in BNC.

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1 There is also a beautiful work by Pieter Bruegel the Elder , The Haymakers , as well as work by Frans Hals , Jan van Goyen , and Rembrandt van Rijn .
2 For they deny the existence of the pagan gods , of whom the Emperor was one ( so that they were guilty of treason as well as irreverence by refusing to acknowledge them ) .
3 Revegetation is particularly limited where intensive erosion has occurred at altitudes above 2200 m above sea-level where harsh climatic factors , as well as disturbance by erosion , restrict revegetation .
4 Works by Blanche , Braque , Daubigny , Delacroix , Gauguin , Gilman , Gore , Gosse , Monet , William & Ben Nicholson , Pisarro , Renoir , Sickert , Turner , Whistler and Christopher Wood , as well as drawings by Aubrey Beardsley and Max Beerbohm will be shown , shedding new light on English Impressionism and on the Aesthetic Movement .
5 The book includes detailed descriptions of the principles involved , as well as blow by blow accounts of training missions in a Tornado .
6 The 1983 changes came from the recognition that it was the facilities available in offices as well as supervision by members that determined effective training .
7 All members of HIAN receive the College 's Journal ‘ Henley Newslink ’ , which contains information and news about Henley 's world-wide activities as well as articles by and about leading members of the international business community and Alumni .
8 All members of HIAN receive the College 's Journal ‘ Henley Newslink ’ , which contains information and news about Henley 's world-wide activities as well as articles by and about leading members of the international business community and Alumni .
9 It is a result of a long process of appraisal which is influenced by self evaluation as well as evaluation by others .
10 Currently the players , who all come from Surrey and Hampshire , are preparing a summer concert which will include four Vivaldi concertos as well as works by Mozart , Tchaikovsky and Debussy .
11 Works by Bosch from the Palace collection to be exhibited include ‘ The Temptations of Saints Jerome , Anthony and Egidius ’ , ‘ Paradise ’ , the Saint Liberata triptych and ‘ The Assumption of the Blessed ’ as well as works by Metsys .
12 He added to it over 400 sixteenth-century Italian drawings as well as works by Canaletto , Guardi , Guercino and Piranesi .
13 It is the Commission , for example , which quite overtly decided not to intervene in the decision to build a road through Twyford Down in Hampshire , but which apparently will continue to challenge the plans for an East London river crossing at Oxleas Wood , as well as proposals by British Petroleum for a gas terminal at Falkirk .
14 Concentrating on the modern and contemporary prints : Lumley Cazalet will be showing prints by Frink , Marini , Picasso ( from the ‘ 156 ’ series ) , and works by contemporary printmakers ; Paul McCarron 's stand includes an impression of Whistler 's ‘ Weary ’ at $20,000 ; Lott and Gerrish are showing 200 British woodcuts as well as wood-engravings by Gibbings and Edward Calvert ; Marlborough Graphics have Paula Rego 's latest ‘ Peter Pan ’ suite , Bill Jacklin 's ‘ Coney Island Suite ’ and new work by Ken Kiff ; Jeffrey Kaplow of Proofs Ltd is showing ‘ Luce Myres de Face ’ by Lautrec ( W.121 ) , a rare proof printed in sanguine , priced at £20,000 , together with works by Redon , Munch and others ; Waddington Graphics are devoting most of their space to their own publications — Dine , Motherwell , Hamilton , Blake and Hodgkin — but will have some prints by Picasso and Goya ; Pratt Contemporary Art will again be showing works by Ana Maria Pacheco whose prints have attracted much attention at past fairs , together with new etchings and monotypes by Susan Adams , Denise Walker and Julian Grater .
15 That of growth through childhood as well as guardianship by the adult world .
16 The marvellous exhibition of Bonington 's paintings , drawings and watercolours at the Petit Palais in Paris includes a large number of works executed during and after his stay in Venice in 1826 , as well as paintings by the artist 's French and British contemporaries .
17 An attractive gallery displaying high-quality crafts produced in the Teifi Valley , including leatherwork , pottery , woodturning , basketry as well as paintings by local artists .
18 Had there ever been a a feeling amongst the members of the lodge that erm that with this in increasing involvement with outsid outsiders , the local M Ps , the ministers of religion , the er Transport and General Workers ' Union , et cetera , as well as coverage by H T V and the B B C that there would be a kind of accumulation of pressure and you would they would give in ?
19 Once this had happened , however , the soil was subject to compaction and crusting as well as erosion by sheetwash .
20 WHEN military dictators fall , the democrats who follow them must try to restore the rule of law , as well as rule by the majority .
21 Selected aspects of their comments are included along with the analysis , as well as statements by Hodgkin himself , critics of his work , and other respondents .
22 It would seem that students need something in the way of formal instruction as well as acquisition by natural exposure and engagement .
23 One of these conditions stated , ‘ Sale ’ used in these conditions shall include sale by private treaty as well as sale by auction . ’
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