Example sentences of "two [noun pl] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Gilbert White was proud of his early cucumbers , cutting the first of 1753 on 5th April to take to his brother in London and when he discovered they were priced two shillings apiece in Town , arranged for a further thirteen to be conveyed on the coach from Selborne .
2 And the Home Office says conditions were improving … single cells were now only shared by two prisoners instead of three or even four .
3 Owing to the curvature of the bridge , the top two notes only of a three- or four-part chord can be sustained .
4 Shelley did n't mind , but it would have been polite to let her know beforehand that she had to run two clinics instead of one .
5 The leading British driver is Malcolm Wilson , whose Opel was just out of the top 10 last night in 11th place , two minutes ahead of Gwyndaf Evans in his Ford Sierra in 12th place .
6 As the race wore on , West stretched his advantage to win in 1 hr 49 mins 43 secs , two minutes ahead of last year 's champion , Michael Bumpstead .
7 I was just thinking of two minutes ago like last week
8 They were two minutes away from their sixth barren scoreline in manager Don Howe 's 15-match reign when Thomas 's shot took a violent deflection off Sansom to leave goalkeeper Ogrizovic moving to his left while the ball sailed inside his right hand post .
9 They were two minutes away from their sixth barren scoreline in manager Don Howe 's 15-match reign when Thomas 's shot took a violent deflection off Sansom to leave goalkeeper Ogrizovic moving to his left while the ball sailed inside his right hand post .
10 Er twenty two minutes away from eight , let's quickly down to Lane , get confirmation of Notts County 's sixteen players on duty tonight with Colin .
11 The Swiss player also got his marching orders and team-mate Raphael Comisetti went two minutes later for a lunge at Darren Salton .
12 He emerged two minutes later with a bulky small man , and the Land Rover turned on to the Cambridge road , making for the headquarters of the regional crime squad .
13 Palace shocked Arsenal by taking a ninth-minute lead through Coleman , but Wright set up Merson 's first two minutes later with nice work on the right and Arsenal 's third for Campbell , a left-foot volley , in the 16th minute .
14 She trotted off and returned two minutes later with a pure white cashmere cardigan .
15 Peter Moran , one of five Limavady United players in the Irish side , scored Ireland 's equaliser two minutes later with a fine glancing header after a cross from the left from Linfield Swifts ' Mark Anderson .
16 Clarke put Ireland 3–1 ahead three minutes after the break but schoolboy Ivan Steen , who did n't look out of place in such illustrious company , got the deficit two minutes later with a sweetly struck shot from the edge of the circle .
17 Tranmere 's Tony Thomas was booked in the 81st minute for a foul on Andy Legg and went off two minutes later with a leg injury .
18 Disaster struck for Rovers just two minutes later as a mistake by keeper Bobby Mimms handed Ipswich the points .
19 In-form Brentford gained their seventh win in eight games thanks to a 40th-minute strike from Joe Allon and an own-goal two minutes later from Derby 's Dutch full-back Richard Goulooze .
20 Five minutes later , Thame centre half , Edwards , was dismissed from the field for aiming a punch at Tony Penge ; this made Thame 's task even harder especially when Penge scored two minutes later from close range to make it two nil .
21 Philip Knell struck twice in two minutes shortly after half-time to save the Blues ' blushes after Ultan McCabe had put the home team in front .
22 But two goals in two minutes midway through the half killed off the Dragons .
23 Three bombs were launched from improvised pipe mortars inside a van which had parked two minutes earlier on the corner of Horse Guards Avenue and Whitehall , around 200 metres from Downing Street .
24 Doctors at a Bristol hospital said today , they 'd called for more research following two cases there in which mothers had used water baths in the early stages of labour .
25 It was nearly two hours yet to the start of the party , he 'd have plenty of time .
26 But each week consists of 168 hours ; you have to work , sleep , and eat but surely it must be possible to find one or two hours somewhere in there just for you .
27 The fifteen hundred men who had set off north from the Forth directly after the first struggle with Siward and who must be less than two hours away at this moment , marching up Strathallan by the way he had come himself , passing Dunblane and Forteviot .
28 Wickrithe was only two hours away by car , and every so often they drove down to spend an afternoon with Gran ; but usually Adam was nowhere to be seen .
29 We were bound for the Chatelleret hut which lay only 1600 feet and two hours away from our camp in La Bérade .
30 General Sawaeng was sacked two hours later for ‘ ineptness ’ .
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