Example sentences of "two of they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Two 900MWe simulators are in operation at the training centre at Bugey ; four more will be in service by 1984 , two of them for the 1300MWe units .
2 Meredith craned her neck and saw behind her an even older notice announcing a trio of public hangings , two of them for offences which in some circumstances would not even have warranted a custodial sentence today .
3 They also say maybe our sources got it confused with the fact that the so-called High Availability 6000 , which strapped together two of them for special orders , will become a regular product this week .
4 Mary found tiger lilies and Hope , discovering Mr Robinson 's prize of six bottles of good claret , bought two of them for the evening .
5 They had always written off their mother 's manoeuvres as tribal tactics devised to keep the two of them for her kind , with their father as some sort of lower ally in the endeavour , more deeply absorbed by his autonomy and his cigars than by the dynamics of living with his wife .
6 I had the two of them for Christmas and it did n't
7 A MYSTERY passer-by was being hailed a hero last night after rescuing three children , two of them aged two and four , and their grandmother from deep clinging mud on a North Wales beach yesterday .
8 But that extraordinary colouring , the pale , pale eyes and the black hair , clearly marked out the two of them as father and son .
9 Disturbed , Isa proposed Wilson and Pilade should come with her up to Bellosguardo for the afternoon and , since no protest was made , she hustled the two of them into her waiting carriage and whisked them off at once , leaving Maria with instructions to be there upon their return .
10 Toby Sykes putts boldly and hits a mighty tee shot but too many over-delicate chips , two of them into bunkers at close range .
11 Or Strauss congratulating the two of them on ‘ this piece of poetry which is quite exceptionally suited to music ’ ?
12 With only the two of them on board his choices were limited .
13 Three hearings took place , two of them on the afternoon of 1 May .
14 With the two of them on board , the stern dipped until the gunwale was inches above the water .
15 I can hear the two of them on the narrow stair outside , Summerchild placing his feet with ostentatious care on each step , bending his head rather further than is strictly necessary under the low ceiling , while Serafin demonstrates his effortless familiarity with such picturesque difficulties .
16 Rose held two of them on the palm of her hand .
17 As a result , proposals have already been laid before the ICI Main Board for exploiting two of them on a world scale — acrylics [ as mentioned above ] , and terephthalic acid , part of the petrochemicals business .
18 The question of how it has been spent , by the first two of them at least , raises important issues of public policy , but even Holroyd can not succeed in making such matters positively en thralling .
19 Mozart seems to have begun to refine his style of composition , and two of them at least stand well with the very popular symphonies of the next decade — the Symphony in G Minor , K.183/173dB , written in October 1773 just after his return from Vienna , and the Symphony in A major , K.201/186a , written in April the following year ( see PLATE IV and 19 & 20 ) .
20 Darling 's mark had been made on his final Test , however , with three catches in England 's first innings , two of them at short leg quite startling .
21 Two of them at one go , two of them in one morning . "
22 He fell in alongside two of them at the end of the street .
23 Clay County had rattled off a sequence of five straight wins last winter , two of them at Kelso , before being well beaten by Deep Sensation at Nottingham in February .
24 Two of them at New Drove are downstairs and one is an upstairs .
25 It had been converted some years before Miss Dalgliesh had bought it by the addition of a flint-faced , two-storey building with a large sitting room , smaller study and a kitchen on the ground floor and three bedrooms , two of them with their own bathrooms , on the floor above .
26 In your do-it-yourself practice you can try to spot long vowels by contrasting two of them with each other in sentences .
27 Evelyn watched the two of them with a little smile on her face .
28 Mortimer almost ran headlong into a patrol of Germans as he traversed a long gallery , but the Germans were hampered by uncocked weapons , and Mortimer downed two of them with his Browning before ducking behind a turn in the wall , his men loosing a volley of rifle fire into the surviving guards .
29 He threw himself forward , startling the beasts that were tearing at the prostrate girl on the ground , and arced his sword round with manic strength , tearing the blade through two of them with one swing .
30 And you always had one or two of them with you you know no matter where you went you oh dear .
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