Example sentences of "then there was the " in BNC.

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1 Then there was the question of the paternity of Mrs Clancy 's last child : Mr Clancy had only just returned from Egypt after a two-year posting , and — as Peony had pointed out — the child was only 14 months old .
2 Then there was the paradox that the erstwhile Premier Line out of Euston steadily slipped down the speed and performance league as the High Speed Trains out of King 's Cross , St Pancras and Paddington proved ( for all the undoubted technical troubles ) that they could sustain their role as InterCity 's workaday tool .
3 First there was the broad statement of intent in the policy review document and then there was the controversial TUC composite resolution — an incompetently constructed mosaic of competing interests .
4 Then there was the bad snap from center on an extra-point attempt .
5 Then there was the three-sided live LP , Big World ( 1986 ) , during the recording of which the audience was asked to observe silence .
6 And then there was the review .
7 Then there was the waiting , ’ Moran said violently .
8 Then there was the emergence of Jimmy Hill , a Fulham player with a grammar school education and a father in the Stock Exchange , as an articulate and shrewd spokesman for the players .
9 Then there was the elaborate and explicitly imperial ceremonial that surrounded the monarch in life and in death .
10 Then there was the possibility of the silver on sale at the Saturday morning market being stolen goods .
11 The lads were already at the armoury drawing their rifles , then there was the briefing .
12 Then there was the freedom of the Voice of America , the freedom of the Free World .
13 Then there was the troublesome question of the unemployment statistics .
14 Then there was the strangeness of Siouxsie , leading us in circles , nowhere in particular .
15 Then there was the time Vic and company decided to detonate a smorgasbord of Spam and boiled sweets .
16 Then there was the very earnest , dedicated ‘ alternative ’ coterie , with a ‘ no smoking ’ sign on their front door .
17 Then there was the ex-train guard who lost his job when the countryside lifelines — the local railways — were abolished .
18 Then there was the Wild Wood .
19 Then there was the card .
20 Then there was the big typhus epidemic when I was about six and she died .
21 Then there was the police baton charge .
22 If readers of the Figures wished successfully to grow the delectable assortment presented by Miller , they had but to turn to his Dictionary for all the practical advice gleaned over half a century 's gardening and , if that proved too expensive , then there was the Abridgement or the Kalendar .
23 Then there was the famous Portland spy ring comprising Peter and Helen Kroger and ‘ Gordon Lonsdale ’ , whose real name was Konon Molody , all of whom were professional Russian spies living in England with false identities .
24 Then there was the steady encroachment of reed and sedge , alder and willow , from the edges , slowly laying down peat and squeezing the lake smaller and smaller towards the centre of the basin .
25 Then there was the question of what sorts of costume were appropriate on such a journey , and whether or not it was worth my while to invest in a new set of clothes .
26 Then there was the news that El Daba airfield was not being used , though Jellicoe had brought back a couple of German prisoners who freely volunteered the information that this was the most important of their forward airfields .
27 With the advent of ‘ glam ’ , some younger kids wore brightly painted Dr. Martens shoes ( to match hair ) then there was the crepe soled , brightly coloured shoes of '72 –'73.;
28 Then there was the young Tip 's seven-year stint as a clubmaker .
29 Then there was the feet-flat-on-the-floor problem .
30 Then there was the continuous splash of water on the ground .
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