Example sentences of "then he [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If a Fanatic moves into an obstacle , wood , building , or into another Fanatic then he is slain .
2 Then he is seen as Mr Policey , serving ice cream from a van painted white to avoid suspicion — with the words Unmarked Police Car printed on the side .
3 If Holt thinks that this proposal would remove an arbitrary boundary line between adults and children , then he is mistaken .
4 If he moves into an enemy then he is engaged in hand-to-hand combat and must fight in the following hand-to-hand combat round ( he counts as charging in the first round as is also the case with magically induced movement ) .
5 In fact if the books are anything to go by then he is doing everything wrong .
6 If man upsets his planetary ecosystem , then he is dirtying his own back garden which will automatically recoil upon him and curtail his activities .
7 Before you say , ‘ Then he is barking mad , ’ think hard about this .
8 Since then he 's achieved a reputation as one of the country 's finest surrealist painters .
9 David 's been collecting cones for more than thirty years and since then he 's accumulated some real beauties .
10 Then he 's made a profit , ’ said Miss Jarman , winking at her .
11 Anton tells me I can have 20 minutes and then he 's sending the other two on to finish things off .
12 If he says yes , then he 's holding the tape recorder , if he said no , you 'd say , Have you got fifteen ?
13 Since then he 's phoned his ex-girlfriend 's family to warn that he 's goiung to get them .
14 In hospital both lungs collapsed and since then he 's lost 2 stone in weight .
15 Then he 's bound to have written about it .
16 Since then he 's become involved in illegal gunrunning operations across Europe .
17 BRIAN HALL : ‘ At that particular moment in time we have a manager that has got himself into the semi-final of the FA Cup , he 's got the opportunity of reaching Wembley , he 's had a difficult time in the League , it 's been a traumatic season okay , then he 's told he needs triple by-pass surgery at the age of 39 .
18 What the maker has done has been to start with a 12-fret guitar design ( not a guitar with only twelve frets , but a guitar with a neck that joins at the 12th as opposed to the 14th fret ) and then he 's combined this with a deep cutaway on the treble side to open up the whole fingerboard for exploration .
19 If his performances this season measure up to his potential , then he 's going to be very , very good . ’
20 Cypress says it can only speculate that Sun will become a customer for HyperSparc , though Cypress chief , TJ Rogers , has been sending messages via the press to the effect that if Sun does n't buy HyperSparc , then he 's going to turn around and do the Alpha RISC for DEC ( UX No 384 ) .
21 Then he 's going to marry you ? ’
22 Then he 's going off to a party .
23 well er he 's still getting certain things in like doors I think and er , what have you , but er , and then he 's going for the D I Y sort of stuff now , I think he 's stocking that
24 And then he 's going to call at Sotherby 's .
25 I keep burning , I bet I did n't , I thought , pardon me , positive mm I popped round , I went in yesterday I 'm going to say something and then he 's going on about well I 've sold me car to pay the mortgage and
26 They went into the er Molly , she was telling me erm she with a bloke , I ca n't remember the they think he 's got ta go to Paris first and then , or France , there 's a show in France somewhere , I think it 's Paris , I do n't know and then he 's going over there , they 've had some more enquiries or something .
27 He 's got ta miles and miles back next week and then he 's going back to following week to be lift driver .
28 we 'll have a talk first and then he 's going to have a walk , a walk round the centre , look at the facilities , and er , then go and do , do the ropes course and then we 're going to head across to set up camp and which is in a field outside the centre
29 That 's where he 's away this weekend to her place , and then he 's going next weekend because there 's some wedding do or something er so he 's to go next weekend , he goes there , stays with her parents and then she 'll come down the weekend after that and stay at our house .
30 Then he 's saying go on Corrinne have a look !
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