Example sentences of "then [pron] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That 's right and they 'd do into the wheat and they 'd on they 'd smoothed off , one man 'd had a big sack there , they hold her in , they had this one they build one in , he 'd go one in , he 'd go one and he 'd go one , four , four bushels of the corn and they used to tow it up , heave it out on the scale and they used to have a little old hand basin like that , with a handle on , take a little out or put a little in , and then them men down the hold , them ones , then he 'd do so many on the left and they 'd change over , he 'd do that way .
2 Then I sort of hold her hands tight while she rocks back and forward on the bed .
3 Well I did n't mind till I got a bit older , then I sort of started to kick , and er as I got older , that 's another story .
4 Five , yeah and then I sort of could extend it
5 What I do , that 's North , and then I sort of point round , I know it 's rude to point , measure that angle , forty five degrees , okay .
6 Cos that really got up , up my back when the , I mean tho ai n't a ba , bad bunch of old boys but I normally go down but they they clear and once we 've done our work before dinner break they all clear off and I go down to the and then I sort of walk back more or less behind them you know , to the break like and as I go past the club , I go and wash my hands , they go straight in , I go and wash my hands and I walk past the and er we should go to dinner at quarter to twelve and I go past , it 's one minute past quarter to twelve so cos when we go in there you see quarter past twelve due to go back I always give them two or three minutes and I say that 's it , that 's , ah we was late coming in , I said no you were n't !
7 erm but then I sort of thought , no , well let's expand this one .
8 If proof were ever needed that I had a gift for spotting talent then my signing of Royston Marley was it .
9 Then my friend in interpreter , Diana , hopes to do something similar at her home in Brasov .
10 Then my sense of smell came into play and I could smell motor oil and if I concentrated , I could feel the cloth wrapped tightly around my head .
11 Did allright for three weeks , but then my twat of a goalkeeper let in 4 and my strikers played like donkeys .
12 Is it really any more rational to deny rather than affirm — am I , for example , sure that I mean by God what a religious person does , because if I do not then my dismissal of God 's existence rests on a logical non sequitur .
13 Then my improvisation on Sunday night was pure fantasy .
14 Until then my writing to you , my own sweet little one , must taste even as harsh as my conversation and look now are …
15 Seventeen , eighteen , Lend me your ears , then my sneeze on nineteen , and your slap on twenty . ’
16 Since I know that it is not , then my use of it is a bit of rhetoric .
17 If this is the case , then my fund of fireside thrillers will be rich indeed .
18 If the examples cited by Hildyard and Olson of oral language being ‘ autonomous ’ and of written language being ‘ context-based ’ were the rare exceptions that the reference to letter writing and to lectures suggests them to be , then their conjectures about literacy would have some credence , though the argument could not be as absolute as they sometimes make it appear .
19 That is to say , if X , Y , and Z are known precisely at some initial instant , then their evolution for all subsequent time is in principle determined .
20 Nevertheless , the writing remains as something separate from the experience and if teachers do not know how they can usefully respond to the writing as a text , then their part in helping children improve their writing is insignificant .
21 If the current proposals are not informed by an accurate assessment of the attitudes of a representative sample for working-class school leavers and their families , then their relevance to the issue of access is unproven .
22 Their father , Patrick Hamilton , had died dramatically a year ago , blown up by an IRA car-bomb a few yards from what was then their home in Dublin .
23 If species were indeed fixed , then their state of adaptation to the environment would gradually break down as the conditions were changed by geological forces .
24 Moreover , if we were to attempt this , then getting an agreed set of principles approved by Parliament would open up conflicts as to the rights to be included , and if a new code was eventually passed then their existence alongside the European Convention would create confusion and cause additional difficulties for the courts .
25 In fact , about the only contact Edward ever had with other people 's flesh was when the school maids , and then their friends from round about , began to share their sexual favours with him .
26 Perhaps it is a sort of demoralisation , not surprising considering the misfortunes which have wracked the East Asian communities now in Britain — first their years of suffering associated with their expulsion from Africa , then their experiences at the hands of racist British authorities who tried to keep them out of Britain , and finally the day-to-day racism which they have faced in Britain as refugees .
27 Her utterly unquestioning faith in the Bible led her to believe that none could possibly be luckier or greater than those whom the love of God chooses , and if the love of God had chosen to choose the Jews , then their superiority over the rest of mankind could not possibly be doubted .
28 If the Scottish police files have their reasons to remember Baxter then their counterparts in Vancouver could add their ten dollars worth .
29 But if Bollinger 's phylloxera-free vines in Aÿ are a puzzle , then their patch on the edge of Bouzy is even more astounding .
30 But then their control over their lives starts to weaken .
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