Example sentences of "then [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 Because it does mean then that that traffic er on the western side of Harrogate can get out to the western relief road as there 's no need then to go on the urban roads in Harrogate .
2 On behalf of their inarticulate owners , these clothes say ‘ I 'm not playing ! ’ and then sit on the sidelines ( so you can see how upset you 've made them ) , and wait for the world to be nice .
3 Then sit on the pot now — go on ! ’
4 The fish was of course a familiar ecclesiastical emblem , originating with the cryptogram of the early disciples , and then elaborating on the analogy of ‘ fishers of men ’ .
5 These two , along with three other directors , in fact set up their own property group with Moorfield Estates Ltd as the parent company , which was then floated on the USM .
6 The Skeleton rips a chunk of raw flesh out of the character ( normal damage , +3 ) and then sits on the floor and begins to bite and tear at its ‘ meal ’ .
7 The youth laughed then spat on the ground .
8 The real basis of the Conservative government 's case then turns on the proposition that taxation is bad for the economy whoever levies it .
9 They found grasshoppers , beetles , slugs , caterpillars , spiders and then calculated on the basis of their findings that this three-and-a-half acre meadow must contain well over 100,000 large invertebrates .
10 An overall activity index ( graded from 2 to 9 ) was then calculated on the basis of the patient 's activity ( graded from 1 ( light ) to 3 ( heavy ) ) at work , during their free time and , where applicable , during sporting activity .
11 Look through the whole text , feel its atmosphere , decide how it can be shaped into a musical form , and then concentrate on the music , and especially on the melody .
12 The judge erred in law in holding that in mortgage proceedings if a mortgagee failed to seek an order for costs then the mortgagor could apply for the costs to be taxed on an appropriate basis ; if no order was made the mortgagor could require that the costs of the mortgage proceedings be referred by the master taking the account to the taxing master for taxation pursuant to R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 24 ; ( 3 ) that a provision in the mortgage deed providing expressly or by implication the basis on which costs were to be taxed was not then binding on the court and the judge also erred when he held that in mortgage proceedings a provision entitling the mortgagee to an indemnity against all costs , charges and expenses was void so far as it purports to exclude the jurisdiction of the court under section 51 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
13 The deputy judge then commented on the evidence of the three witnesses in these terms :
14 We just passed the revenue , the capital , the revenue then goes on the base budget , is called the revenue consequence of capital expenditure and all the fire officers ask for is enough to build a fire station and the cost of running it is automatically going onto your bill .
15 This was played with a piece of wood about six inches in length and three quarters of an inch in diameter , sharpened to a point at both ends and then placed on the ground .
16 These are then placed on the floor , preferably in a room that 's carpeted so that they will not move .
17 A coating is often then placed on the outside for additional protection .
18 Potential group members are interviewed , then placed on the waiting list for the next group , and contacted when the group starts .
19 The rail is then placed on the uprights .
20 With your back straight , bottom muscles clenched and foot flexed , slowly lift your leg up behind you , ease it higher to the count of 16 , then repeat on the other leg .
21 Do 16 lifts , then repeat on the other side .
22 Relax the leg by bringing the knee towards the chest , then repeat on the other side .
23 Relax , then repeat on the other side .
24 He then remarks on the ‘ myth ’ that had grown up around John XXIII : This is an important statement .
25 They were rocket propelled bombs with wings that enabled them to be launched and to fly in a straight line until the rocket fuel was used up , then to fall on the unfortunate people and buildings below .
26 Mr. Cowan then laid on the table the fifty volumes from Cassells Library which he presented to the Society .
27 George could then concentrate on the social side of things .
28 The Primitive Methodist chapel was built in 1837 and then rebuilt on the same site in 1877 .
29 Then glue on the new fronts .
30 I woke Laura , then shouted on the guys to waken them .
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