Example sentences of "could be [v-ing] for " in BNC.

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1 Clearly such arrangements were not ideal — they could be exhausting for children and were at best a compromise among the law , the need for education , and the reality of poverty .
2 He/She could be looking for a Double Indemnity climax .
3 ‘ I could be looking for something more , ’ she said , and again she wished she had kept her mouth closed , but he seemed to bring out the worse in her , and she could n't resist answering his insults in the only way she knew .
4 We slip out the back gate into a high-walled alley , me denying again that the police could be looking for me , and him smiling .
5 It is I 'm looking for five er may be for each of those companies so that 's thirty people I could be looking for .
6 whatsername said he they 're not supposed to be looking for a tumour , although that 's what they could be looking for .
7 But first of all Brian 's going to talk about some of the outlets and the sort of things that you could be looking for .
8 If we wind the table up another 6 places , 6 more teams who could be fighting for promotion and at the Manor tomorrow , it is Oxford take versus Grimsby .
9 If this scenario is correct , Saatchi could be heading for problems next year .
10 Or indeed they could be heading for the two peaks we had just thrashed .
11 TEAM up with Richard Gere and Kim Basinger and you could be heading for a super holiday in San Francisco .
12 " You know , I think that you could be heading for a very serious depression . "
13 If you 're a Libran who just has to say what 's on your mind come hell or high water you could be heading for a stormy time .
14 The Government could be heading for a damaging backbench revolt of Scottish Tories if it rejects Rosyth .
15 The out-of-contract midfielder is still waiting for the offer of a new deal from the Geordies and could be heading for a £1m-plus move .
16 The out-of-contract midfielder is still waiting for the offer of a new deal from the Geordies and could be heading for a £1m-plus move .
17 Well , those trade figures were better than expected , which was good news after yesterday 's warning from the Chancellor John Major that Britain could be heading for a recession .
18 I think something like that one could be going for about eighty five thousand .
19 Darlington have chosen largely unknown Queensland pace bowler Scott Muller as their professional partly because of his qualifications as a coach but if former Lancashire player , Jack Simmons ' opinion proves correct they could be challenging for the title yet again .
20 For experienced marathoners , it could be qualifying for the Boston Marathon .
21 put in a great deal of their time erm going to work and that could be working for er a European or an American right , er some sort of help in the house , or in the garden or whatever , so you had the men doing the same sort of tasks the housework as it were for Europeans and Americans and the women looking after the , the economic development of that little
22 This meant many of the staff could be travelling for days on end , racing against deadlines , and , just when they were at their most exhausted , might receive a summons to fly to France the next day , which usually meant leaving at 5.30 am .
23 they might be thinking that we 'll relax , we do n't really know.They could be playing for time.It could be they are seriously re-thinking .
24 If I say the words giant squid , does that remind you of what could be waiting for us out there ? ’
25 For all she knew , Molassi could be waiting for her at the bottom , his knife drawn , standing over the body of Rodomonte .
26 ‘ On the other hand , they could be waiting for you . ’
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