Example sentences of "could be [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 Thus gall bladder muscle contractions could be recorded as changes in intraluminal gall bladder pressure .
2 The Committee also recommended that the law should be changed so that the husband could be registered as the father .
3 For example , in Smith , Kline and French Laboratories Ltd. v Sterling Winthrop Group Ltd. [ 1976 ] , it was held that coloured capsules for drugs could be registered as trade marks .
4 He states that the Causey Mounth , isolated from heavy traffic , could be developed as a commuter route for cyclists and for other leisure and recreational uses .
5 It is easy to see how the sleeping pill he had taken could be misunderstood as an overdose , but an airliner full of his friends would be an unlikely place for anyone to kill himself .
6 Inhibition has been seen as the insoluble problem of British movies : it could be represented as the source of their great potential .
7 NATO , when it was established in 1949 , could be represented as the revival of a war-time coalition rather than a realistic acceptance that Britain could no longer defend herself .
8 For example , the above concordance of the word ’ mortgage ’ could be represented as : mortgage [ lend lend lend own own own property property property advance advance advance authority authority pay pay money money increase increase insurance advice term ]
9 Because the range of possible adaptations was unlimited , the relationships could be represented as a branching tree-like pattern , with new branches being added whenever some totally new ( and unpredictable ) form of animal life was discovered .
10 Jacey ( London ) Ltd and Others ( 1975 ) , demonstrated clearly that showing a film on licensed premises could be indicted as an indecent public exhibition .
11 Superficially , this could be cited as evidence of progressive social change .
12 The great expenditure on education could be justified as a means to a thoroughly acceptable common end : economic growth .
13 But this did not prevent the Dominicans from setting out that war could be justified as a means of restoring order in situations of political or social disharmony , for instance between territories ( here we see the beginnings of the idea of the territorial unit and the defence of its justifiable rights ) or between sovereign rulers and their vassals ( if the vassal chose to rebel against his lord and thus fell into a state of disobedience ) .
14 His Lordship then considered whether the decision of the Court of Appeal could be justified as an exercise of review rather than appeal .
15 This leads Johnes to question whether raising academic standards for entry , in terms of A-level scores , could be justified as a satisfactory way of substantially reducing wastage rates , given the complex range of factors which are involved in predicting success in higher education , and that raising entry standards in this way would almost certainly bar students capable of obtaining a degree .
16 GNP could be vindicated as a measure of welfare by this finding .
17 The structure of own resources implied by " once and for all " does appear to resolve the future flexibility of revenue to meet changing circumstances , although it opens up considerable potential for dispute , as it implies part of the revenue from income tax could be designated as " own resources " .
18 At last , the dirty , happy , noisy child could be accepted as a good child .
19 The Government insisted its policy was a straightforward ‘ no deals with terrorists ’ , but the idea that ‘ no deals ’ could be accepted as a comprehensive response appalled me .
20 The human race could be accepted as a product of Nature 's development because that development was instituted by the Creator as an indirect means of achieving His goal .
21 A compromise was being hammered out in which the once-opposed concepts of design and transmutation would be synthesized so that the trends in the fossil record could be accepted as the gradual unfolding of a divine plan .
22 On rare occasions , too , handcuffs could be applied as a punishment .
23 These researchers attempt to provide simple rules which could be applied as productions at the tactical and even strategical levels .
24 It seemed to me that the discovery of Romans , Celts and Jews by the Greeks and their revaluation of Iranian civilization could be isolated as the subject of these Trevelyan lectures .
25 After reviewing the ecological model and resource management Chorley ( 1973 , p. 167 ) concluded that the control system ( p. 146 ) could be adopted as an appropriate focus and that this would clearly incorporate human activity and focus upon links between human and physical environment and that :
26 These , and other changes , all contributed to the doubling of productivity within those six years , and he is optimistic that it could be trebled as a result of the fast , electronic and computer assisted information that is now available .
27 And the requirements of democracy for full information could be quashed as a threat to national security .
28 It could be handled as a problem of vital statistics , housing administration , minimum wage legislation , child nutrition , national insurance , teachers ' salary scales , coal mining economics , feminism , social philosophy or pure finance ’ ( Stocks , 1949 , p. 102 ) .
29 A philosophical conservative , he would have sympathized with the view of his father , a defender of natural theology , that the life of science could be understood as a sacred duty .
30 Women 's lesser aggressiveness , for instance , which could be understood as a positive characteristic , is generally associated with deficits in socially-valued traits like competitiveness and achievement motivation .
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