Example sentences of "could not do [det] " in BNC.

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1 And since Cambridge University of 1924 was hardly likely to breed recruits for the Labour Party — that took another three years — the young men and women of the university could not do much but move , or move further , towards the Conservative side .
2 The proprietors could not do much more than launch a rather fragile settlement around Charleston , and even this could not be occupied continuously until 1681 .
3 Theresa had been so good to her always , she could not do that to Theresa .
4 The restructuring school answered that you could not do that anyway , because the importance of a variable precisely depended on the wider context in which it was operating , but the most important contextual reason was probably manufacturing industry 's need to cut costs in face of newly increasing competition .
5 ‘ I could not do that to them .
6 I thought they 'd hung me up by my arms , ’ he began , and then he stopped short , remembering that the Punishment Squad could not do that to a crippled man with one arm .
7 She wanted to rush into the sitting room and ask why , ask where he 'd been taken , but she knew she could not do that .
8 But for a time I could not do that to Georg .
9 The plaintiff vendors sought to set aside the expert 's decision and to have the court decide the matter , but the defendant purchasers said that the plaintiffs could not do that because the contract bound them to accept the expert 's decision .
10 Not different at all , countered Weinberger : still fanatically anti-American and virulently anti-western ; America could not do any business with them .
11 Happily , we lived in a much more enlightened time during World War 2 , I never understood the treatment of LMF cases ; it was something I could not understand as outlined in the Air Ministry Order , which was a very harsh document and did not give much leeway in the treatment of a chap if he felt he could not do any more .
12 In simple terms , if the user typed in a list of books on a typewriter , s/he would be able to see what had been typed but could not do any more with this typed information apart from copying it .
13 Being in the middle of Europe , Germany could not do this alone and she formed an alliance with Austria , enabling her to hide her hegemonial ambitions under the label ‘ Mitteleuropa ’ ( Central Europe ) .
14 I could not do this and fish efficiently .
15 My father and his brother , who had both passed such exams could not do this , as there was no grant for clothing , books , etc .
16 If Berg was successfully to allege that it was fraudulently misled , it must show that some natural person connected with it had been misled , and Berg could not do this .
17 They decided , however , that they could not do this during the coming festival of Passover because Jesus was still popular among the people and they did not want to cause unrest .
18 In particular , as a first step towards clearing the area , he was suggesting that , as Macmillan had advised , the Cossacks should be handed over to the Soviet authorities , although , as he had made clear to Tolbukhin 's HQ , he could not do this without Gen McCreery 's authorization .
19 They could not do this without troops .
20 At the moment we are also paying for a specialist company to provide address labels in postcode order ( to quality for Presstream ) because until a few weeks ago the National Office computer could not do this task .
21 He said , ‘ You could n't do that .
22 You could n't do that now , could yer ?
23 Could n't do that .
24 As a teenager , Sonique was an athlete for the North London borough of Haringay , after which she tried working nine to five but ‘ I could n't do that and be as free as I wanted ’ .
25 I could n't do that at the start .
26 I was n't too keen on this cheek to cheek business , with men I 'd never seen before and did n't know the names of , but I kept on telling myself not to be standoffish and to relax a bit , but as for jiving — no , I could n't do that .
27 ‘ I could n't do that . ’
28 But , with a growing sense of foreboding , she knew she could n't do that .
29 Oh Alice , you know you could n't do that yourself . ’
30 I wanted to touch her and make her better but I realised I could n't do that .
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