Example sentences of "could also [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Er Chairman I 'm perhaps I could also suggest that we change the word suggested erm because that i i it , perhaps you are looking for something slightly stronger erm er so it could just say in accordance with paragraphs two four to two nine or the points made in paragraph two point
2 I could also check that she had not been to Baskerville Hall on the night of Sir Charles ' death .
3 It could also ensure that allegations of torture , rape and deaths in custody are impartially investigated , that those responsible are brought to justice and that the victims and their families are compensated .
4 The sentence ‘ We have only shown that A is justified if B and C are ’ could mean , as was pretended above , that we have shown A 's justification to be conditional on that of B and C ; but it could also mean that if B and C are in fact justified , we have shown that A is , i.e. that the success of our demonstration is conditional , not the justification we have demonstrated .
5 The reforms could also mean that the most experienced specialist officers , such as police divers , would have to go back on the beat .
6 But it could also mean that erm they were getti that it they had been successful in getting taxation from what they 'd done since the beginning of cos they felt they could go even further .
7 They could also argue that in general there is frequently a difference between morality and legalism and that the former has a greater claim on their allegiance .
8 One could also argue that the Poet is using the Mistress as bait to induce the Friend to remain : this three-way relationship is as complex as that in Sartre 's Huis clos ( two women , one man ) and in some ways equally claustrophobic and degrading .
9 It could also indicate that there is uncertainty about Reilly 's support team , which consists principally of Les Bettinson , the manager , and Phil Larder , the national director of coaching .
10 It could also indicate that there is uncertainty about Reilly 's support team , which consists principally of Les Bettinson , the manager , and Phil Larder , the national director of coaching .
11 It could also indicate that you have reached the end of the road with one enterprise .
12 I could also appreciate that the bulk of this supposed humour was meant to derive from the anachronism of the play 's sexual mores .
13 None the less James could also acknowledge that " There is no teacher of English in our universities more desirous and more able to make the study of English literature a living power than Dr. Leavis . "
14 However , as discussed in the introduction , one could also predict that in a recognition test situations inconsistent with the schema might be remembered best since schema-inconsistent information would be more likely to have been noticed when initially viewing the stimuli .
15 She could also see that Pete McCarthy and his waitress had just arrived .
16 I could also see that Mala was near to exploding , which might have been disastrous .
17 He could also understand that a Labour government led by Harold Wilson might be reluctant to arrest Jim Smyth or Harry Murray because of their support among the workers and their trade union links .
18 ( On an international scale one could also say that the so-called North-South division is a form of this problem . )
19 Now for a motor car I think you can say that the practical desirabilities of a car , and the acceleration and performance and looks are very important , one could also say that the fact that many people have their cars bought for me by the firm they work for means that they will therefore buy a larger car than they would if it was their own money that they were spending , so the market for cars is perhaps not one which is determined by energy efficiency or even optimum efficiency in terms of people 's and prestige is coming into it as much as these other factors and it is determined by who pays the money .
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