Example sentences of "could [not/n't] [vb infin] it " in BNC.

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1 But to his surprise the drink was light , young , and faintly flavoured with honey , together with another taste , so subtle that he could not identify it .
2 He could not mention it because it was not known in the Latin West before the revival of learning in the ‘ renaissance of the twelfth century ’ ( a useful term due to the American medievalist Charles Homer Haskins , who introduced it in 1927 ) .
3 But having got so far , she could not leave it there .
4 She could not leave it .
5 Hebbert and McFall do , Hebbert decided , and he persuaded his partner they could not leave it at that after such a long flog up the mountainside .
6 They could not leave it because their reproductive processes depended on it .
7 ‘ Good God , there was a time I saw him — still but a child , to be sure — playing his fingers in her hair with such warmth and love in his face , such concentrated attention , as if it so fascinated him he could not leave it alone .
8 But she knew then that , plagued and plagued again by the same thought during her fretful waking night-time hours , she just could not leave it .
9 Within the constraints of proof changes I could not disentangle it .
10 As she ran along the track to the road , she had an eerie sense that she was acting out something she had done before , but she could not pin it down until she reached the road and turned right , towards the village .
11 She could not stand it another minute .
12 His fingers were bloody and in his eyes there was such despair that I could not stand it and went out into the filthy courtyard ’ .
13 It was the truth , and he could not stand it .
14 Those who could not stand it returned home worn out by the virulence of anti-Irish racism which they experienced from English people .
15 I could not stand it .
16 and I 've had that taken out because I could n't , I just could not stand it especially in hot weather !
17 In August 1989 , at the start of the 1989-90 season , the government introduced an identity-card system for supporters in an attempt to curb violence , but this was abandoned shortly afterwards when fans refused to comply and local authorities declared that they could not enforce it .
18 She rolled the liquefying spinach into her cheek she could not spit it out .
19 Oliver started to ask whether they could not drop it and go home , but it struck him that he was in a precarious position and he kept quiet .
20 She dried the udder and pulled the three-legged stool across , jamming the first bucket between her knees as she sat down , so that Florence could not kick it over .
21 Clive spilled some of the powder as he heaped it in the spoon , and could not hold it steady over his lighter flame , but finally he got it liquefied .
22 Part of its working was the recognition of sheer necessity ; as the old empire disintegrated , the tiny forces of the embattled Soviet republic could not hold it together .
23 But Alexander could not hold it against the Edoni , local tribesmen , which may have given the Athenians the idea that they could move in and plant a colony ( 465 ) .
24 She could not hold it back .
25 Naturally he could not collect it .
26 Until now , those people who had more taxable benefits than allowances had to pay the extra tax in one sum after the following year end because the former PAYE system could not collect it .
27 I could not stop it if I wished , ; no one can stop it .
28 The emperor himself could not stop it now .
29 While the anti-modernist purge put this process back a generation , it could not stop it re-emerging , especially in the most advanced areas of Catholic culture in northern Europe .
30 Whatever was about to happen , she knew she could not stop it .
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