Example sentences of "could [vb infin] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the generalisations one could make are probably true for a lot of other languages as well .
2 A second , but also rare , situation in which an extended household could arise was when an elderly person was able to obtain the support of either an adult child or grandchild to continue living in his or her own home .
3 Police think it could 've been just a dirty night out .
4 Er you saw the er saw him five years ago in the navy , now it could 've been just a regular check which every seaman gets or it could be , it could 've been something of a serious nature .
5 You could 've been on
6 Nudge up a bit I mean it could 've been tonight .
7 Well this is erm as I say we , we , we could 've been somewhere in the region of two hundred and fifty thousand just on the I T issues alone .
8 I suppose I could 've been too cool ! ’
9 Cheeks smeared by tears and mascara , she was helping him to stand and all he could think was How can she still have mascara after where she 's been ?
10 The number of times convicted federal prisoners could appeal was also to be limited .
11 What Weber sought was a factor that was unique to Europe that he could show was logically connected with the emergence of capitalism .
12 Speculation that global climate change could result was largely discounted , since the smoke cloud was too low to have an impact on stratospheric climate circulation .
13 The other thing , which I think is a , another great misconception is er our present Prime Ministers ' policy of having a classless society , well I think the first thing is you could do is actually abolish the House of Lords and that will certainly be a start on having a classless society in this country .
14 So I think we are actually obliged , and it 's right that people should be consulted , but there is a point about it that it takes an awful long time and that is actually the reason why we 've got er a whole programme of urban safety management schemes that er are taking a long time to develop , it 's almost two years now , and the main reason for that is toing and froing with different designs with members of the public and the worst thing we could do is actually put in a package of schemes which people say , well that 's not what we wanted anyway .
15 They 're people who are pathetic , who are sad , who have had an awful lot of knocks in life and I often think that one of the things that everybody in society could do is actually talk to them a bit more .
16 I think we should therefore hold the fight until a clear pattern emerges and certainly avoid international incidents which might tempt the Red Army , either at Union level or in the Republics and finally I think perhaps one useful thing we could do is too assist initially , and I stress initially , well disposed Republics with bread and sausages .
17 So as an emergency , without any budgetary provision , er we decided , erm on consultation with a number of councillors , that the only thing we could do was actually locate the water leak and replace it .
18 This last comment was the only one I could feel was definitely true .
19 His armour of cynicism was shown up as useless ; all he could feel was how desperately he had wanted the job and how bitter he felt at the injustice that had taken it away from him .
20 She wore an oatmeal flannel coat and skirt which even Alexandra could see was badly cut , and a heavily pleated cream blouse , the collar fastened with a huge hideous brooch made out of a green polished pebble set in silver .
21 What I could see was not the Land Rover but a rock .
22 But , apart from that , the only flats she could see were still as small and impossibly expensive .
23 Hatred of the ‘ officer clique ’ responsible , and shock that such treachery could occur were equally common responses .
24 I could try be more personal
25 Stretford Bridge could have been little used after the first few months of the BCR 's life , when passengers presumably had to walk between there and Craven Arms — unless horse-drawn transport was provided along the road .
26 She wished he could have been here for Christmas .
27 She could have been here with Gran . ’
28 ‘ He could have been here , ’ she said .
29 well I 've given many , many different answers here , I could have been here all day , giving you just between point five and point six , and you 'd have been giving one as the answer every time .
30 ‘ I just wish he could have been here to see it . ’
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