Example sentences of "could [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 CPRW is worried that many areas of beautiful countryside , some protected as special landscapes , could be badly damaged .
2 Burgh politics could be a hard game for little people , for they could be badly injured by those against whom they acted .
3 I think France could be badly affected if we open the scoring . ’
4 Some , including Kent County Council , believe that large scale induced development will not occur without positive government intervention and that some towns such as Dover could be badly affected by the loss of their traditional ferry business .
5 Locals say children could be badly hurt by barbed wire behind the shops and have complained about fresh food deliveries being left just feet from rotting rubbish .
6 There were business interests which could be profitably merged .
7 C. Dunlop and Walter Weldon [ q.v. ] had devised methods for converting this noxious waste to chlorine ( which could be profitably combined with lime to make bleaching powder ) but they were both expensive and wasteful .
8 Finally , the departmental , engineering side also laid claim to its own clearly defined fleet of engines , which could be profitably loaned to the sectors at times of peak demand .
9 As this met the requirements of the hotel , serving customers would merely have been a needless waste of effort and resources which could be profitably siphoned off elsewhere .
10 Do we not immediately , and quite naturally , set about constructing some circumstances ( i.e. a ‘ context ’ ) in which the sentence could be acceptably used ?
11 This makes sense : war and politics were perceived by lay participants as subject to supernatural interventions that could be magically invoked as well as interpreted — hence the important role of churchmen and their rituals in these areas of public contestation and conflict , for instance in not just the retrospective presentation but the preliminary " staging " of battles as Judgements of God .
12 Though of miniature format , portraits on coins and gems could be impressively characterised : witness the image of Gaius Antius Restio , Tribune of the People in 71 BC and portrayed on a coin of his descendant minted in 47 BC , or an unknown man whose authoritative portrait was brilliantly engraved in chalcedony .
13 The description of Tristan 's education given by the great medieval German poet Gottfried of Strasbourg bears witness to the fact that this change in the pattern of a child 's life could be intensely felt and vividly remembered .
14 As a non-physicist I have often wondered if the difference in photon energy ( E' — E = hf' — hf ) of the shifted and unshifted light could be wholly accounted for by the effect of the surface velocity ( v ) acting together with the particle equivalent mass of the photon .
15 Then , as before , at one extreme , unc can contain n — q columns of the minor , which are linearly independent ; at the other extreme , the minor could be wholly contained in unc and unc could be null , when D has degeneracy
16 Of the four lecturers I interviewed , three could be broadly described as ‘ traditional ’ in their views , while one might be described as having a ‘ radical ’ viewpoint in so far as she challenged the conventional wisdom of English studies .
17 Great care would be taken during the whole operation , and there need be no fears that varieties could be incorrectly named or labels lost .
18 'E said 'e needs a lot o' money ter get it started an' that 's what 's worryin' me. 'E could be up to anyfink . ’
19 Nobody but a fool who believes his luck lies around the corner could be similarly influenced by the likes of Frankie .
20 It is possible that other radioactive metals such as plutonium could be similarly dealt with .
21 Surprisingly , those in the occult could be similarly quoted , as in a Tyne Tees television programme broadcast live on Halloween , 1987 .
22 Interior Minister Pierre Joxe emphasized the belief that the extreme right-wing National Front ( FN ) had contributed to the creation of a climate in which hostility to Jewish people and immigrants could be freely expressed .
23 The rule that criminal proceedings are conducted in open court would be hollow unless those proceedings could be freely reported by the press and television , and the media in general .
24 Saltworks on the River Weaver could be economically supplied with Wigan 's coal to dry the salt .
25 They became , in a sense , a captive labour force ; those who tried to escape from the land to neighbouring towns could be forcibly returned or punished .
26 She sat in it as if it were a throne , her back bolt upright inches away from its back , her black flannel skirts smoothed to disguise the fact that only one foot could be conventionally booted .
27 Whether or not the fruits of such a hybrid could be commercially exploited is not yet clear , however MacDonald and Wimpey feel that they are on to something very exciting .
28 Smaller fields , however , could be commercially developed onshore and fields as small as 50 Bcf might be an attractive proposition offshore , if they were to be developed as satellites to larger fields .
29 While it was true that all religions were imperfect and that Hinduism was no different from Christianity in this respect , it did not follow that the Christian claim ‘ Jesus is the only son of God ’ could be universally accepted .
30 Moreover , the cross breeding of domestic animals and livestock had long since proved that such changes could be artificially induced .
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