Example sentences of "could [verb] given [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I mean they could 've given them a wee , a wee two bedroom around our w our way rightly .
2 Elizabeth answered that she particularly did not want anything to remain that might hurt any living person among her friends — and so with one blow.she destroyed the ‘ flat ’ characters , who could have given her a second literary fame .
3 It was the best wedding present I could have given her . ’
4 If he 'd had his hands on her for one minute , he could have given her something to remember him by ; if only he 'd spat a single obscenity into her ear before running off , it would have been something .
5 Now at that point , when she received the letter and read the policy , erm we could have given her a better cover if it applied to that particular vehicle .
6 One may presume that the standard of living of both these groups was above the national average , and that this could have given them better resistance to disease than their poorer neighbours .
7 But he agreed the police could have given them a few day 's notice of the situation .
8 X-ray fluorescence ( XRE ) analysis ( see glossary ) of solders used on Roman silver suggests that the Roman silversmith did indeed use several different solders which could have given him a working temperature range from the melting point of silver ( 960°C ) , down to 180°C .
9 I could have given him a straight rejection , but I suppose that was not in my nature .
10 Adorno 's recognition of the radical potential of what he called jazz ( see , for example , Adorno 1976 : 33–4 ) could have given him the theoretical space for such an approach ( it certainly means he has no logical grounds for the theoretical closure he operates , only a self-fulfilling pessimism ) ; but he fails to follow his quest into places where he could have found what he sought , and , more damagingly , he excludes the possibility of any other mode of critique than that associated with alienated individualism .
11 And though the visit could have given him an opportunity to kill his father , and then drive down the next day to discover the body , that was the one crime which every logical motive screamed against .
12 The irony was that , by dismissing as irrelevant all talk of the Tyrrell Society , he had closed his eyes to the vital clue Rex Cunningham could have given him : the identity of the man whose photograph Clare Mallender had carried about with her .
13 He was already rich , powerful , successful beyond anything Swift could have given him , and that meant only one thing — he had not married her to become chairman of a vast investment house , because he was already chairman of his own !
14 She married and he only ever saw her once again , yet declared : ‘ She was really , really , the only being in the world who could have given me peace and rest . ’
15 " He could have given me a ticking off , considering that he 'd gone to the trouble of telling me that you were coming .
16 For all she knows , the social services could have given me to another family .
17 Answering back I thought he could have given me a bit more time cos I wanted to say something else and he was
18 Now is it only K X that could have given me that ?
19 ‘ You shitbag , Tiny , you could have given us a bloody heart attack . ’
20 ‘ I felt that if we 'd signed him he could have given us just that little bit extra up front which would have enabled us to win the title .
21 ‘ I felt that if we 'd signed he could have given us just that little bit extra up front which would have enabled us to win the title , ’ said Ferguson .
22 ‘ The referee could have given us two penalties in the first half but the one he did give did n't look much from where I was in the dug-out .
23 He could have given us a picture of Halling in the 16th century , but we will come to that later when investigating his own life here at Halling .
24 And erm if they could have given us a proper explanation why they 'd gone back and prove us wrong them fair enough .
25 That was the opportunity that Maastricht could have given us .
26 I reckon if I had had a flat and everything I could have given it a try .
27 ‘ Who could have given it to her ?
28 And I could have given you a bad one Dr I could have given you a good one .
29 And I could have given you a bad one Dr I could have given you a good one .
30 ‘ She could have given you a bit more room . ’
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