Example sentences of "could [verb] you [conj] " in BNC.

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2 and about fifteen of the erm eight , eight , five troop chasing after me , it was like our sister troop yeah , we were , there was three troops in our squadron , eight , eight , five , eight , eight , six and eighty , eighty , seven and then there was three squadrons and a regiments , there was nine troops there , so like , if it , basically it was your troop and nobody else , but then it was your squadron and , and anybody else and then the few times that I , on regiment it was your regiment and nobody else , like , we could touch you cos your our regiment but if you try and touch us , you can get fucking hell , but it nearly always come down to the troops , and the thing is eight , eight , six , only had , the first year that I was there we 'd only had about thirty people , fourth year there had I opposed like fifty , sixty and seventy , second year we were there we had about forty- five opposed to like sixty , seventy , eighty , and the third year there we had about fifty opposed like fucking seventy , eighty and ninety in a , in a troop , so we were always well out numbered and we were by far the most outrageous
3 Pufferfish , such as this spotted species from the Cigenter river in Java , Indonesia , could poison you if you ate one during its spawning season .
4 I could excuse you if you were , too .
5 Can you think of any more modern day people that you think could inspire you and can show the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lives ?
6 It could have you and Steiner out and safely in France in no time at all . ’
7 The first thing was to find a school for you three — for six months you had had no teaching , except what I could give you , and then kind Miss Budden , the headmistress at Auckland House school , Simla , said she could take you if I could come too and help her nurse about twenty children down with measles in the san. , because Matron was coping with some children with suspected diphtheria in another block .
8 I could tell you that he had white skin , black eyes , and black hair , but you can see that from the photograph .
9 I could tell you that the eyes were so beautiful they could actually make you feel giddy when he suddenly looked up from the floor and straight at you .
10 By their definition they had achieved three important end results : ( 1 ) the patient is allowed to define the nature of his feelings , ( 2 ) the doctor is relieved of the responsibility of finding tissue damage , ( 3 ) there is no conceivable way in which a baby or an animal could tell you that it was having an ‘ unpleasant sensory and emotional experience ’ .
11 I wish , like Arthur or King Stephen , I could tell you that I will return when the hour comes round again ; that , one day in the future , some public relations executive , some politician or health fascist , some snivelling egalitarian with dandruff in his eyebrows , some stunted corporatist with a filthy mind will go too far , and with a bright flash , a smell of freshly-oiled leather and the sound of a celestial whip cracking , I will once more be among you , eyes blazing , tongue wagging ten to the dozen , and in my bronzed and muscular arms a lovely cornucopia of drugs , women and vulgar abuse .
12 I wish I could tell you when the inspection for the Best Kept Village is to take place , but I 'm afraid it 's a well kept secret !
13 The nurse may be able to supply you with pants and pads , and could tell you if there is a laundry service or a collection service for disposable pads in your area .
14 ‘ Maybe I could tell you if you did n't keep interrupting , ’ Polly cried , feeling her stomach clench as his mouth tightened and he turned the full power of his steely gaze on her .
15 I wish I could help you and give you a little comfort .
16 So that I could kill you and suck the warm blood from your neck .
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