Example sentences of "could [verb] [vb pp] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Could 've managed to cook her tea , could n't we ?
2 There was no way really that you could 've avoided coming into contact with it anyway at my age on the estate .
3 This was an important success , as deaf and dumb people have always encountered difficulties in finding employment , and there was a considerable risk that these difficulties could have become aggravated by discriminatory insurance .
4 This would have left visuo-spatial functions intact in the right whereas in women language could have become established in both hemispheres , crowding most specialised visuo-spatial ability .
5 There was nothing in the world you could have done to save him . ’
6 West Yorkshire 's chief probation officer said : ‘ The baffling thing is , even with hindsight , we are still left wondering what more we could have done to stop this killing ’ .
7 The Spirit is his parting gift to the Church to make his presence as real to them as if they were listening to him teaching beside the Sea of Galilee : and the Spirit can do more for us than ever Jesus could have done had we been his contemporaries .
8 Auto Express did not mince its words : ‘ It 's difficult to see how much more Ford could have done to improve a car that was already very good . ’
9 He said there was nothing they could have done to avoid the accident.Both men were extremely experienced .
10 And yet , although Lloyd George was the author of the Free City proposals , they were approved by the Americans and the French , and had the Poles not been so heavily engaged against the Soviets by this time , they might still have attempted to seize Danzig by force — there was certainly little the Germans could have done to prevent such a move .
11 However , there was nothing the elderly woman could have done to prevent her departure with the two children , who had been clearly delighted to be leaving their grandmother 's house .
12 But staff at Stoke Mandeville believe there was nothing they could have done to prevent this incident …
13 He had to be airlifted to hospital , but his teacher says the accident was a total freak , and there was nothing the school could have done to prevent it .
14 There had been things Crevecoeur could have done to get out , such as take advantage of the open invitation to take up with Cab 's natro group .
15 So you had you had twelve pennies in one pile and twelve in another and you 're doing twelve add twelve now you could have done counted the whole lot could n't you ?
16 ‘ If you want an honest opinion , I reckon there were things you could have done to achieve that before you ever let Jahsaxa persuade you to undergo these changes . ’
17 What you could have done say was this one here that 's marked E does n't have to be all of those who supported Everton , it could be just that bit .
18 With Windows NT still a gleam in Bill Gates ' eye , OS/2 2.0 can lay claim to the goodness high ground , and it is difficult to see what more IBM could have done to make it electable — its erstwhile friends would say that it has cynically ditched all its principles — of closed systems , tight central control , the whole ‘ nanny knows best and you 'd better believe it ’ ethos that served the company so well for so long , and led to a string of successes at the ballot box in the 1960s and 1970s .
19 We do not need to raise VAT and in the European Community we have fought harder than anyone could have done to maintain our zero rate .
20 He believed there was nothing that medical science could have done to have changed the tragic outcome .
21 He must be past thirty now , but she would never have believed he could have grown to make such a gross figure of a man .
22 ‘ But Ellen , ’ said Bernard , ‘ if you 'd only stuck it another month , you 'd have got your degree and we could have begun to live quite comfortably . ’
23 Three years ago , nobody who read either the front , middle or back pages of a newspaper could have missed reading about the exploits of these two mega-stars .
24 They repeated that he did n't need anything else because he would be back in the afternoon , which more than anything else they could have said made me wonder if we would ever see him again .
25 ‘ Fate has thrown them together in a way which could have led to conflict , resentment and bitterness .
26 Mr Nesbit , who took this decision , said : ‘ When the match ended I was conscious of part of the Sunderland crowd starting to leave the stadium and if the team had come out people attempting to leave might have tried to return and this could have led to conflict on the steep Spion Kop terraces . ’
27 ‘ This was equally true of the teachers , since they , together with the headmaster , could have decided to stop my research whenever they felt it threaten them ; equally , if they had accepted me with open arms it would have meant that the boys would not have trusted me greatly . ’
28 Could have decided to do away with herself .
29 He did n't need to fulfil a specific commission and could have made do with what he already had , but he wanted something better .
30 ‘ I could have arranged to set off later if I 'd known .
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