Example sentences of "year old and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The tomb is around 2,000 years old and bears the inscribed name ‘ Yusuf Bar Kaifas ’ .
2 I am six years old and eat pickled herring with my father 's mother Miriam Leah , who has changed her name to Mary .
3 The process and equipment is ten years old and manning levels had recently been reduced by 25% .
4 Gareth Morgan was forty-two years old and looked more like fifty-two .
5 HOLLAND 'S only commercial reactor at Borssele is just about as ordinary a nuclear power plant as you could expect to find : 477 megawatts , 10 years old and saddled with a 20-year contract to supply electricity to the neighbouring Pechiney aluminium smelter at a third of the present going rate .
6 I am nine and-a-half years old and sit in front of the television in England with my brother , watching characters like Meg and Sandy argue in the Cross roads motel , while fat Benny , the tele West Country moron in woolly hat , eats lots of pies .
7 The number of items prescribed differed across the age bands ( table I ) with a small peak in patients under 5 years old and rising rapidly from the 5–16 to 75–84 age groups .
8 Joanne was 4 years old and attended a private nursery in a private housing estate within a large city .
9 He took in ten children up to five years old and guaranteed their upbringing and education to the age of eighteen .
10 He killed the and heard that Jesus was born and he would be made king so he sent his men to go out and find every baby that was under two or three years old and kill them .
11 I was six years old and had to be accompanied to the cinema by my two brothers [ five and seven ] .
12 She was twenty-two years old and had been a nurse at the Princess Louise Clinic in new Cavendish Street .
13 Though the engine was 17 years old and had been used to pulling 40-tonne loads at 60mph , Mr Tomlinson did n't need to touch it .
14 Both were boys of 8 years old and had their imaginations fired by Perry Mason , a fictional TV lawyer who helped the poor .
15 He was thirty-six years old and had heavy family commitments ; it was late in life to change course , but he had hankered after the theatre for years and now decided to follow his instincts .
16 The official story had always been that Greg was simply a close family friend , but a child could have seen through the pretence and she had not been a child for a very long time , perhaps not since that long-ago night when she was four years old and had stood , unseen , outside a bedroom door …
17 Since I was twenty years old and had had some success in college debating societies , this possibility did not strike me as remote .
18 Chris was nearly 5 years old and had just entered his infant reception class .
19 I was 11 years old and had money to burn .
20 He was in fact eighteen , had never seen a battle , and was very nervous of the notorious Lieutenant-Colonel Sharpe who was thirty-eight years old and had lost count of all his battles .
21 He was sixty years old and had been the parish priest for over thirty years .
22 He was 6 years old and had been at the school for three terms when the head , knowing that I was a neighbour and friend of Balbinder 's mother , invited me to go with Mrs Singh to a meeting with the educational psychologist .
23 The car was , after all , three years old and had over 50,000 miles on the clock .
24 He was sixty-eight years old and had suffered from cancer of the oesophagus for some time .
25 He was , perhaps , seven years old and had his money tied up in a corner of his handkerchief .
26 Gazzer was twenty-two years old and had been compared in looks to a pit bull , entirely to the dog 's advantage .
27 Mother thought it was a liability , ie , it would have to be dry-cleaned , but I was twelve years old and had a Ph.D .
28 The presentation had been quite an unnecessary proceeding , as she and Uncle Orrin Tunstall had agreed , seeing that she had met and known both the King and Queen since she was ten years old and had first visited England with her mama and papa .
29 The boy was about fourteen years old and had the long , fuzzy hair of the Dervish .
30 The only other male in sight was about four years old and had n't been potty-trained .
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