Example sentences of "year [pron] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 My doubts have grown during the years I have been thinking about and then writing this book , but for the moment I will concede that for many scholars and teachers a clarion-call to defend ‘ literature as literature ’ would prove rousing and timely .
2 Over the years I have been able to spend many hours with individual singers .
3 For over twenty years I have been experimenting with how we show music : not only the work of the orchestra , how they play , but also the way the instruments are brought in as part of the musical argument .
4 But then Complicite , in the seven years I have been watching them , have never lost their power to astonish .
5 In the past few years I have been involved in a Seminar for senior administrators from the Third World studying at British Universities A group of 25 or 30 is gathered each year at Plockton in Wester Ross by the British Council , the ODA and the Highland Board .
6 She wrote ‘ During the past two years I have been working ( with Mr Wilmott 's co-operation ) towards the publication of a Flora of the ‘ Outer Islands ’ , concerning which there is a considerable scattered literature , but no comprehensive publication .
7 For some years I have been thinking of buying a word processor but have not yet taken the plunge .
8 For 11 years I have been investigating the flora and fauna of this 700 sq.m site .
9 For over fifteen years I have been a regular reader of Pilot and keep the back numbers which offer an extremely useful information source on a wide range of flying matters .
10 During the past few years I have been fortunate enough to have a couple of RAF students each summer from the Royal Military College of Science at Shrivenham .
11 I have been growing them for ten years , and for the past two years I have been hybridising .
12 In all the years I have been practising , and among all the hypnotherapists whom I know or of whom I have read , I have never heard of any individual suffering any side-effects at all — except positive ones .
13 I am 23 and for the past three years I have been piling on the pounds without realising it until I finally took a good look at myself weighing in at 12st 3lbs ( 77.5kg ) at 5ft 4ins ( 1.6m ) .
14 ‘ I am really pleased that over the last three years I have been able to show that part-time working can work without any difficulty .
15 for the past ten years I have been keeping vigil in a nocturnal maze , and will continue to do so until daybreak .
16 in all the years I have been keeping fish I have yet to suffer any form of disease or problems associated with feeding worms .
17 Generally my fish are too healthy to require treatment , but in the last few years I have been able to buy fish as they arrive in the country ( usually via the large fish shows . )
18 Manager Billy Bonds said : ‘ This was the best we have played away in the two and half years I have been in charge .
19 For over thirty years I have been teaching in the public schools of New York City .
20 Christophe Lázar : For the past two years I have been active expanding Colnaghi 's presence in Europe , Asia and South America .
21 William Osborne 's project manager , Steve Answell , who was responsible for master-minding the nine-month building phase , commented ‘ The amount of detailed investigation and the thoroughness with which it has been done represents the most comprehensive thinking that has ever gone into a new lifeboat in all the thirty years I have been associated with building them . ’
22 For years I have been excited by him , quoted him , relied on him .
23 Every August or early September for the last few years I have been lucky enough to receive a present of ripe mulberries from a magnificent old tree in the garden of Rainham Hall in Essex .
24 Over the last six years I have been closely involved with the Institute of Linguists Community Interpreting Project , coordinated by Ann Coresellis whose paper this afternoon will be discussing the emergence and future of the profession of Community Interpreting .
25 Over the last twenty years I have been active in our hobby , I have lost count of the number of detectors I have used .
26 I 'm 63 and for the past six years I have been taking two tablets each day for myxoedema of the thyroid .
27 For some years I have been running what is the largest programme in the world for the direct teaching of thinking as a curriculum subject in schools .
28 ‘ Unfortunately , in the five years I have been here Leeds have not won anything but we will . ’
29 So , Sir , I have been able to reflect on the inherent good sense of the people of Worcester over the years I have been privileged to be the Member for that constituency .
30 ‘ In recent years I have been impressed by the standard of speech training in various parts of the province and it was the same again in Ballyclare where a number of talented young people were on stage . ’
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