Example sentences of "when people [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 But an element of rationing can override this tendency : when people know that their budgets will stand only a certain level of instalment payment , that forces them into longer repayment schedules than they would otherwise choose .
2 To see what happens when people pretend that a currency is worth what it is not we have only to consider Germany 's monetary union .
3 When people thought that the difficulty had been the credit firm 's fault , about half said that the company had made some mistake — such as claiming that arrears were owed , when in fact payments were up to date ; about half said they had been refused some type of credit which they had applied for .
4 That resentment will grow further when people realise that the Welsh Office has got its sums wrong and that the bills that they pay will be much higher than Welsh Office estimates .
5 It 's even a lot of money I think compared with the what is it , one point four million pounds that is transferred th through the youth and community budget into the Highfields area and that itself is a lot of money when people recognise that we are actually spending the equivalent of one tenth of the total county youth and community budget in one area of the county .
6 I wanted to be in a harder place , hearing the great murmur of shock and argument you hear only when people realize that life has changed forever .
7 When people think that life will never be the same again , it is a comfort to realise that it may be different , but it does get better .
8 Just a small point , but I think when people arrive that they they perhaps feel isolated , and that we 're a little unfriendly .
9 When people say that Milton and John are suited it is not just in their ability .
10 No , I do n't , and I get very cross when people say that he wasted his talent .
11 I THOUGHT it was terrific when David JoHansen of the New York Dolls delivered such quips a : ‘ Who cares about the music when one has such sense of drama ? ’ and , ‘ We do n't play too good but we can dance as bad as we want , ’ and ‘ We do n't hold concerts — we throw parties ! ’ , and ‘ It does n't bother us when people say that we ca n't play , when we met we actually could n't , ’ etc , etc , but all these sweeping statements were launched in 1973 , and when those same epigrams are repeated three years later by lesser mortals ( i.e. Sex Pistols , Runaways , Ramones and Kiss ) , things begin to look synthetic .
12 When people say that higher education teaches one to ‘ think ’ , they probably have in mind this induction into the habit of analysis .
13 When people say that about restaurants , ’ said my mother grimly , ‘ it usually means cockroaches . ’
14 I am worried when people say that it is fine to live next to a railway station but that one must never use it to its full capacity .
15 When people objected that The Green Book was ‘ just words ’ — a strong condemnation in Huaiwiri — Salah said that of course some parts of it were not as good as others , but it was foolish to condemn everything in it just because some parts of it were wrong .
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