Example sentences of "when [pers pn] look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But when I looked over the edge there was no sign of him , or of the river — only the mist swirling .
2 Yes , when I looked through Appendix Three , the Equal Opportunities Targets , and the Public Service Units .
3 I noticed it first in a school photo , when I looked along the rows , she was there , only it was n't , it was a boy called Robbie Cullen .
4 I stepped back to avoid the overpowering closeness of his face and a little man on the inner circle of the crowd startled me with a friendly smile , but I could not find him again when I looked for him .
5 It 's hardly worth drawing the cheques in certain cases and the capital programme , could n't see it actually when I looked for it first time , had to go back to the pink sheet and found the noughts , now we 're not as generous as we 'd like to be , but at least we try .
6 When I looked to films for information on sexual and romantic matters they were not much help either .
7 Every month I look in your magazine for anything to do with Dalmations and I was overjoyed when I looked at the last page .
8 Yet when I looked at the bottle , the label told me that the wine had a decidedly non-classic provenance .
9 When I looked at him , there were tears in his eyes , and he said , ‘ It 's not us who 'll have the problem , Mum .
10 When I looked at her her eyes had tears in them like my own .
11 When I looked at it , I cried out in spite of myself .
12 Greater Manchester West is my first choice , not Greater Manchester East , and when I looked at the vote in the last contest , back in nineteen eighty eight , when the erm then Alliance , or the ex-Alliance vote was split between the social erm liberal democrats as they were then , and the S D P , and saw the votes I had to beat this time , six thousand nine hundred , I thought I can look good next to that .
13 But when I looked at the date , my father could only have been about twelve year old you see , when these letters were written so it must have been my grandfather writing to Coventry and Birmingham for parts for the penny farthing bicycles which he worked on .
14 Erm and when I looked at the figures , we had a greater percentage of institutions and pupils than the other sharer or partner in the process .
15 When I looked at it , I held it close to my eyes .
16 When I looked at my watch I was amazed to see that it was well after six .
17 When I looked at the broken bundles scattered across the floor , I recognized the faces .
18 When I looked at Sogono , in his olive greens and boots , he looked a fish out of water .
19 What I found when I looked at this problem over the course of ten years was that this complexity , like responsibility time span , also occurs in leaps or jumps .
20 When I looked at him , he laughed : blah blah Killer blah .
21 I felt a bit gutted myself when I looked at it . "
22 While there are problems in the class , … when I looked at the programme I could see that problems that are caused because you are not explaining yourself , you are not getting them down to work , they do n't understand what they 're doing .
23 Good progress was made on the Saturday but when I looked at what still remained for Sunday , I thought we 'd do well to finish half the distance .
24 When I looked at him in the darkness , I began to wonder if all of what he had told me earlier could be some trick on me , played by the spirits who had sent him .
25 Erm you probably all know Murphy 's law that what can go wrong will go wrong , when I looked at the Oil Service Industry in last year , I rather think that Murphy was a bit of an optimist myself .
26 Jim pointed out that and when I looked at , in the report here , page fifteen , two of your paper and there it says in little letters B , little little two appendix B a during the year , a three year period from June ninety three to October ninety six , the level of occupancy the department 's afford .
27 Vacancies who arise from five seventeen , had a figure of five seventeen , when I looked at this now , how could y , where did they get the figures from this .
28 Chairman chairman there seem to be when I looked at it there seem to a number of headings here that I could n't account for and I 've asked the chair of the finance committee , she could n't account for them either , and I think it 's , whilst I understand the reasons for going and I 'm sure we would have approved them , I think it 's actually quite important that all these small sums , wh when you add them up over this erm over this month and you look at them , are quite large over the budget that we have have already adopted and the things that we wanted to do , and it concerns me that some of these things which are maybe very sensible , actually reduce our effectiveness of doing things that the council 's agreed that they are going to do this year and next year , the seventy six pounds here , the thirty pounds later on , fifty four pounds for large thorn plants et cetera , et cetera , and a hundred and fifty pounds over the budget on the Christmas lights .
29 When I looked at the archive material , I was surprised at what the censor passed rather than what was hushed up .
30 When I 'm about to tell you a story , I thought to myself well stories that Jesus used to tell were parables and when I looked at them in the bible they had a kingdom meaning to them .
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