Example sentences of "when we [vb past] she " in BNC.

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1 My relationship with Isobel started going wrong when we discovered she could n't have children and started having infertility treatment .
2 Fiona drove her own car , the twin of Harry 's ( still lost ) , and settled Erica Upton in the front beside her when we collected her on a westerly detour .
3 I found it clutched in Anna 's hand when we cleaned her up .
4 As she toyed with a pottery unicorn made by Leonora during her stay in Bart 's , Lady Romsey added : ‘ When we knew she was n't going to survive we said , ‘ We will get through this and we will still thank Bart 's .
5 ‘ And Mrs McD was a bit staggered when we told her he was in Mull .
6 When we told her this she said , and I quote , ‘ Phooey ! ’
7 When we met her she was getting very distressed and confused and frightened that she was not with her mother , ’ he said .
8 and that 's why if you remember she was pregnant when we met her
9 When we met she was still afraid she might be rearrested .
10 When we followed her into the bedroom she ordered us out , saying it was no place for kids .
11 She came to for a bit when we brought her into the light , but I had difficulty following what she said .
12 PC Cotton , 55 , a London river policeman for 19 years , said : ‘ When we saw her in the water she looked like a doll .
13 Er I think she was erm dithering a bit when we saw her was n't she .
14 No , no , she 's not worried , but when we took her up recently , he , he , he said it 's only a wart like that , he did n't sort of worry
15 When we asked her if she was going to marry Peter she just smiled and said we 'd have to wait and see .
16 When we asked her more about her playmate , she told us that Dohti lives in a gypsy caravan , had black hair and eyes and was 11 years old .
17 ah , but when we asked her where she 's from she said India
18 But when we phoned her , when we made those calls saying , ‘ We know , ’ it was n't just the infidelity that Lori worried about .
19 When we invited SHE readers to apply for a beauty lesson with top make-up artist Barbara Daly , we were flooded with replies .
20 When we arrived she greeted us kindly , her first honeymoon couple , showed us round the cottage , then excused herself , saying that she had 600 lettuces to plant out before tea .
21 Just as the girl was naked when we found her .
22 ‘ Then how come when we pulled her from her suit I found a folder full of Alex Bannen 's notes stashed away inside the sleeve ? ’
23 When we approached she took to the steep places where we could not follow , and so we left her . ’
24 Fiona 's mother was shocked when we informed her of Paul 's criminal past .
25 Alone in bed I wondered for the first time whether the girl had been truly dead when we threw her into the river .
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