Example sentences of "when they [vb base] been " in BNC.

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1 And how many people can be sure of things about themselves when they 've been brought up to please other people ?
2 The researchers have had some interesting experiences when they 've been out and about — it 's not all work and no play — just mostly .
3 Even when they 've been pureed , I suppose .
4 And I know it 's difficult to get people motivated when they 've been hit down and hit down so often , er but and I do n't think that you could do er any great erm as as we said when we went into the flats , we did n't go in with any big , world shattering ideas of of causing a revolution or you know , of doing er putting on a big project or anything , it was actually to be with the people in their situation and gradually to help improve somehow , if we could .
5 What we have done , when they 've been cut off with erm electricity in particular , erm we liaise with D H S S for them to help their erm to get their their deductions made a at a level which does n't leave them erm you know too short of money .
6 But then , perhaps all chicks get to look like that , when they 've been raped a few thousand times .
7 when they 've been on courses .
8 There are punching sound effects and speech ( via the internal speaker or sound card ) but the boxers react like a stuffed dummy when they 've been punch .
9 When they 've been promoted to a high ranking job .
10 Just jot the other people 's names down and then obviously when they 've been they 've said their piece just strike their name through so you do n't go and .
11 We shall of course consider the Library 's proposals carefully when they 've been finalised .
12 But what happens to those families when they 've been housed and they gradually improve their position , do we send our officers down and say ah , you 've got some money in the bank now , you 're not in need , get out of this council house we 're gon na give it to somebody else .
13 There are blokes crying out there when they come off the pitch , when they 've been substituted .
14 Well he 's taken us out when they 've been to bloody shop working and come back and wa I admitted that , but I mean just to go out for an evening .
15 But I mean i i certainly if you go through the , the early bits erm I mean i i i if you take well okay the , the organization bit to begin with , but then hitting the landlords politically er you know y you 're , you 're checking their accounts , you 're imposing their fines when they 've been a bit naughty , you 're letting contributions erm you 're crowning them and going through the streets , you 're locking them up , you 're banishing some of them , you might be executing some of them but i it 's , it 's only specifically where they 've offended against your , your view of the moral economy , where they , where they 've sort of been naughty in terms of
16 They have come in for quite a bit of stick , particularly when they 've been dealing with rape cases .
17 When , when they 've been down , and they 've been back to school , they 've sent me a collections of drawings and nice little notes about it , and we 've come firm friends because first they look at me , on me as the pond woman , oh , they saw me on television getting my award , and erm they thought that was rather wonderful , and so we , we , we talk and now the , the first ones have quite grown up .
18 Well , I was alright , I learnt all about the harness eventually , and there 's in the you know , this throwback business when they 've been harnessed up .
19 You might think the only safe course is straightforward , sound , economic government and you might wonder therefore why so rarely in recent years Governments have practised it , except when they have been hit over the head by external forces and events that they could n't resist .
20 ‘ People do n't feel ashamed these days even when they have been caught out , ’ he suggests in a tone of disbelief .
21 We might say it is galling for people to hear such things when they have been told they will die in the wilderness , but at least the promises of God remain very much in force for their children .
22 Side cutters are useful for cutting both cable and flex to length , and for trimming cores neatly when they have been connected to terminals .
23 It is greatly helped by a pragmatic government who , as it showed over the Rainbow Warrior affair , is quite prepared openly to back its security services even when they have been caught red-handed in a straightforward act of overt terrorism .
24 Further work from many parts of the world have demonstrated chlamydia in a proportion of patients with non-gonococcal infection and , when they have been tested , in their sexual partners .
25 As Chapman observed : ‘ Although I do not suggest that the Arsenal go on the defensive even for tactical purposes , I think it may be said that some of their best scoring chances have come when they have been driven back and then have broken away to strike suddenly and swiftly . ’
26 There is a beautiful and , to my mind , very moving story which scientists , grown old and grey in the quest for useful tools with which to chip away first this corner of ignorance and then that one , hand down to their students and which the students , when they have been transmogrified into old and grey scientists themselves , pass on to their students , and so on and on down through the generations .
27 When they have been eating out all the time they have been away , and are longing for an evening at home , the suggestion does not go down well .
28 No , nor had I , but anyone who has ever lost young fish when they have been mashed up by an impeller , or lost the impeller itself when it has become fouled by a hard foreign body , will appreciate the advantages .
29 Only when they have been roasted at high temperature do the beans turn from green to brown .
30 But the area office files also carry ‘ white ’ information , in the form of the date and the sum involved in any potential transaction when they have been consulted on behalf of the member ; also the customer 's occupation , and an outline of any transaction actually made with the customer ( though members may not report this to UAPT ; so the note of sums involved in potential transactions which have been the subject of previous inquiries tend to be taken as indications of credit arrangements which have actually been entered in )
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