Example sentences of "when they [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 Then , when they announced their engagement , love , marriage and a lifetime wedded to the monarchy meant very different things to the future King and Queen .
2 Although the workers were given written instructions as to their role when they began their work with a client , this role always expanded so that they were eventually performing several functions for the client .
3 In addition , the relevant committees , when they began their work , would be obliged to operate not with fairly loose guidelines and a relaxed timetable but with specific ceilings and a tight schedule .
4 I have to say though , that when we the Council advise other charities on the investment powers that they should take when they 're established and when they draft their Memorandum of Association , erm , we advise them to take wider powers er , than these , and we advise them that they should not seek to constrain themselves by the Trustee Investment Act nineteen sixty-one , as our own flexibility is constrained .
5 Full details of this scheme will be given to fans when they book their places for the trip .
6 When they visit their friends they travel by back alleys from house to house .
7 In brief , several studies have shown that , in a variety of ways , the upper socio-economic groups receive a better service than the lower socio-economic groups when they visit their general practitioner .
8 SAILORS from HMS Hurworth will enjoy a packed programme when they visit their village namesake next month .
9 Trafalgar moved out of the press again when they sold their titles to United Newspapers in 1985 .
10 When they reach their goal , Abraham goes calmly about the business of preparing Isaac for slaughter .
11 When they reach their next stopping place , they find not one but twelve springs of fresh water , one for each of their tribes .
12 When they reach their destination , the driver stops the car beneath a rare working streetlamp and his passenger feels a tremor of recognition , but is reassured by Valentin that he has heard all the jokes before and he wo n't be passing them on to his mother .
13 Some of these girls might , however , drift away again when they reach their crisis period .
14 They are discharged when they reach their target weight .
15 Television documentary-makers asked them , respectfully , about exactly how they felt when they hacked their aged mothers to death or disembowelled a neighbour 's child .
16 Often a son or daughter will have been on the brink of a promising career when they developed their first symptoms .
17 It has been tested on over 1000 people with anxiety problems , and will be further assessed in a mass trial on Warwick University students when they sit their exams next summer .
18 But when they booked their new car into Tristar Motors for its first service , they found their old model waiting for them .
19 The men , who covered 1,350 miles unaided and set two world records , were said to be ‘ more dead than alive ’ when they radioed their base camp to request an airlift .
20 I love it when they put their hand right there and you can feel their fingers in your hair and pressing into the top of the back of your neck .
21 " Yes , dang it , and when they put their heads down to drink that 's just when the scabs would fall off ! "
22 Well I mean when they put their names down they
23 It was for this reason that many of them carefully locked their front doors when they left their homes .
24 When they left their stalls at the end of Lauds , and approached the night stairs to return to their beds , a slight , habited figure arose from its knees to confront them , stepping into what light there was very gingerly , but with resigned resolution , like one expecting a bleak welcome , but braced to endure and survive it .
25 As they entered the little general store , Fen produced a long list of necessities , and when they left their arms were piled high with brown paper bags .
26 An approach to simplifying this task was first made by Boenninghausen and later by Kent when they produced their repertories , or collections of symptoms and signs common to each remedy .
27 I would add that toy manufacturers used a good deal of imagination and licence when they produced their models , perhaps not taking into account the keen eye and future criticism of FlyPast readers !
28 It was they whom the justices at Speenhamland had in mind in a year of extreme hunger when they produced their system of allowances in aid of wages determined by the ruling price of bread and by family size .
29 Parents would not see their children for most of the day , and when they finished their daily work they would be too tired for much except rest .
30 We asked who led the Lancasters into action when they dropped their bouncing bombs .
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