Example sentences of "when it be so " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't bear to see you lolling about in here when it 's so glorious outside ’ . ’
2 There 's a strange , almost forced intimacy that can be a burden when it 's so much harder to surprise that same audience and , in Katell 's case , it seems to express itself in a cheery whimsy that masks insecurity .
3 ‘ I know that the National Health has n't got the money it would like but when it 's so important , I think it should be done .
4 But Ven , she discovered , was not prepared to let her off the hook , and , ‘ Why … ’ he began to challenge , ‘ … when you 're honest , I know it , yet have begun on a path of deception to one particular end — why , when it 's so important to your sister whom — you love … ’ an alert look suddenly came to his eyes , and he broke off for a brief moment before continuing , his serious dark eyes holding hers ‘ … a sister whom you 'd do anything for , as you proved when you left England and came here — why are you ready to leave now , without another thought ? ’
5 Particularly now of course , when it 's so much more difficult to back , er back-date stuff , maybe because of the success that people have had on pay cuts .
6 They 're gon na phone me up and tell me when it 's so
7 It seems a shame to break it up does n't it , when it 's so good .
8 and then that 's a fiver , and then you 've got the worry of and you got you got to go shops because when it 's so hot things go stale you 've got to have
9 Well when it 's so early , yeah .
10 Oh I 'm gon na start going , I have n't been swimming for that long and I 've been saying off and on oh I must go , I must go , but when it 's so cold outside you do n't feel like coming out with all wet hair and all that
11 What price then that metaphysical guarantee of social differentiation when it is so easily abolished in the confusion it was supposed to preempt and render impossible ?
12 Radiography can reveal the original construction of an object even when it is so corroded that no external evidence is left .
13 It requires that the amount of debtors due after more than one year should be disclosed on the face of the balance sheet when it is so material in the context of total net current assets that disclosure in the notes alone may lead readers to misinterpret the accounts .
14 But if Jesus of Nazareth is not thought to be unique , and the Christian story is just a myth , why , one must ask , should one who is a feminist choose to take up this particular myth when it is so male , and has central to it a male person who is held to be unique ?
15 ( iv ) Differently , it seems difficult to accept that consciousness is tolerably conceived when it is so conceived that it follows that anything that can be regarded as passing through certain sequences of causal or logical states is conscious .
16 ‘ Then how can you tell me not to taste your mouth , when it is so full and beautiful , when it waits for my kiss . ’
17 It amazes me how ready small investors are to buy rubbishy ‘ penny shares ’ when it is so easy to spot first class quality companies with shares at a bargain basement levels .
18 Cooke said : ‘ You hate to lose a game like that , especially when it is so tight and when two decisions go against you in that manner . ’
19 And when it was so deep I could n't see the bottom , Old Bolton 's prize sow , you know the one who had borne so many litters , there was no space atween her belly and the ground .
20 When it was so cold in the winding shed at the mines that the men begged to go down the pit to get warm .
21 There was a time in the very early universe when it was so hot that the particle energies would have been high enough for these transformations to take place .
22 He had guessed that this place was a palace to her , and she wondered suddenly if she was a complete fool even to consider getting mixed up in his world , when it was so far removed from her own .
23 She did n't want Dr Russell to feel he had to help her with her luggage when it was so obvious that he and Faye wanted to talk privately about the sonogram .
24 It was irrational to be so resentful now when it was so nearly over anyway , but she was too infuriated by his failure to love her to be thinking clearly .
25 It would have been difficult to accept if he had been killed so young in a car crash , but when it was so senseless … ‘
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