Example sentences of "when [pron] are [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You should also call the dog to you when you are wearing the slippers and , assuming that it comes readily to you , make a fuss of it .
2 The point is that when you are disqualified you 're not just disqualified from driving you are disqualified from holding or obtaining any driving licence .
3 The point is that when you are disqualified you 're not just disqualified from driving , you are disqualified from holding or obtaining any driving licence .
4 When you are getting on really well with someone , stop for a moment and notice if your body language is like that of your friend .
5 When you are getting ready to write , think carefully about what you need , about what will nourish the starveling child .
6 Under no circumstances , however , particularly when you are feeding a dried diet , should you withhold water for any period of time in order to reduce urinary output .
7 When you are forming a band , try to make sure that everyone involved shares the same commitment and dedication .
8 You need them when you are forming a company or acquiring premises and the law lays down that you must follow procedures .
9 The problems came later , when you are given an exam paper : twenty questions to be answered within one hour ten minutes .
10 Finally , when you are hanging the mirror , do remember to use some extra-sturdy hooks and nylon picture cord , as it will be heavier than a normal mirror , and you do n't want to ruin your carefully constructed design , as well as incur seven years ' bad luck , by watching the whole thing smash on to the floor !
11 When you should definitely see them , though , is at the beginning , when you are briefing the agency on what you want , and the agency is learning about your business .
12 Similarly , points which occur to you when you are reading should be brought up either in class or in a tutorial with your lecturer .
13 When you are facing a crisis , it does n't help when players start mouthing off .
14 Your basal metabolic rate ( ie when you are resting ) has an influence on how much energy you expend when you are doing anything that does n't involve very much physical activity .
15 In order to avoid making nasty marks on the wall when you are experimenting with the hanging , it is best to decide on the overall shape of the arrangement first — a square , oblong , diamond or triangle — and on a painted wall mark out the area with light pencil which can easily be rubbed off , or with chalk on a paper wallcovering .
16 Not every seller welcomes such a detailed investigation of their home , but it is imperative when you are acting for a client who is proposing to purchase an old farmhouse , for example .
17 ( h ) Special arrangements for a mortgagee company This is a reminder when you are acting for a mortgagor as well as for the buyer-borrower .
18 Note that when you are acting for a seller of registered land ( unlike unregistered ) , the plan attached to the transfer must be signed by the seller alone , and not by the seller 's agent — not even by the seller 's conveyancer as you can for a buyer .
19 Real time pressures arise when you are faced with complex tasks and do not have sufficient leeway to consider the best form of action .
20 Unfortunately it can be very dull when you are faced with a dry reference book that retails facts and information and talks at you , not with you .
21 In the last resort , when you are faced by a strategy , it is worth asking yourself whether you can imagine an ad based on it .
22 One result of my illness has been to change all that : When you are faced with the possibility of an early death , it makes you realize that life is worth living and that there are lots of things you want to do .
23 Another point to bear in mind when you are taking a camcorder away with you on holiday is that you may wish to do check replays of your recordings on a colour set as you go along .
24 Frustration , on the other hand , comes when you are taking bites or making jumps that are too big for you .
25 When you are handling food all the time it puts you off . ’
26 When you are borrowing from the Account interest will be charged at a rate of 2.1% per month ( APR 27.6% ) .
27 That is not to say the process is not quicker when you are living in the country concerned .
28 Except when you are hobbling around dispatching shot after shot into the beautifully manicured lakes thoughtfully scattered around the landscape , leaving a trail of Band-Aids in your wake .
29 In fact , there is a buffer between the program and the operating system , but this need only concern you when you are organising your program for maximum file access efficiency .
30 The closest analogy I can think of is that it is very much like fishing , you never know what you are going to catch , you have to pull in the small ones when you are hoping for the big one , but occasionally a big one comes along when you least expect it .
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