Example sentences of "take you [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah I know you out Who takes you tonight then ?
2 It takes you straight there .
3 Choose the tack which takes you most directly offshore and when you 're clear , and only then , it 's time to worry about the technique by getting the daggerboard the rest of the way down and sailing efficiently .
4 Your capital at the moment takes you just over so you know once your capital 's below sixteen hundred quid
5 That summit was partially hidden , however , for when you get to the top of the final slope there 's a level stretch that takes you just out of view .
6 The tér is in fact a busy roundabout from behind which a cable car takes you up on to Castle Hill and the ancient fortress area of Buda .
7 There is no need to walk up to the summit of Cairn Gorm underneath the chairlift , since there is a route that runs west from the car park , and takes you up on to the Fiacaill ridge , a world away from the frightful clanking kingdom of the ski-tows .
8 A cable car too takes you up over 6,000 ′ to near the mountain peaks .
9 And if you 've ever been there and taken the trip on the little boat which takes you right in to the base of the falls themselves , you 'll have seen that there 's a hydro electric station which takes power from the water at night , when some of the force is diverted , and instead of the water going over the falls it goes through the hydro electric station .
10 ‘ And when you die , ’ said William , ‘ according to Mother Bernie , you get in the lift and if you 're in a state of mortal sin the Demon who works it takes you down instead of up … ’
11 and it takes you back right what else did I take I took nine things
12 A certain amount could be sampled , so the keyboard can do that , but that only takes you so far .
13 I 'll take you up there — unless you 'd like some refreshment first ? ’
14 And then we can take you up there then .
15 Who would take you on anyway ?
16 So they 're gon na take you on now on the basis that you work seven days a week .
17 From Esterençuby you can press onwards and upwards , towards the frontier , and then either branch right , back into the complex of mountain roads to the west that would take you eventually down again to Arnéguy , or else left , along a narrow , lonely , but not totally nerve-racking road which climbs high up on the north flank of the watershed , before relapsing into the next valley to the east .
18 He says he 'll take you somewhere else .
19 Well , I 'll take you straight up to Hilda 's room , and then I 'll make you a nice cup of tea .
20 I 'll take you straight home to rest and I 'll organize Gaston and Julius to come just before five , and I 'll tell Karl he is to report promptly .
22 Better get home buster , or I 'll take you in just for laughs . ’
23 Took me in completely — did n't he take you in completely — ( Claps his hands ) Encore !
24 When you came can I just sort of take you back again ?
25 I 'll take you back home again
26 I 'll take you there later and you can see it . ’
27 I 'll take you there immediately . ’
28 I 'll take you there tomorrow , if you like . ’
29 Used to be called Brian and then it was that David fellow , anyway I said well I should n't bother to vote last time , anyway David n erm David Dennis said you will I 'll take you there so he took me
30 Perhaps he 'll take you out somewhere later in the week . ’
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