Example sentences of "take for [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 It has been taken for granted for a long time that criticism and the academy go naturally together , and a large pedagogic and publishing industry has been built on that assumption .
2 As she took her wedding vows , Diana was saying goodbye to the life that she had taken for granted for twenty years .
3 But within a few days , all her mother 's youth and vigour were gone and the energetic , independent woman whose health and dependability she had taken for granted for so long had turned into a helpless invalid , unable to hold down the thinnest gruel , unable to sleep more than a few minutes at a time , unable even to answer the calls of nature on her own , so that she had to be lifted like a child onto the pot and lifted back into the jumble of stinking bedclothes .
4 What , what appear to be , as I said , naive questions very often are most penetrating and bring us up short because they involve things we 've taken for granted for many , many years and perhaps ought to look at again .
5 Your readers may or not be aware of the consternation currently being experienced in south-west Scotland following the installation of ‘ improved ’ technology at the Carlisle office of the Royal Mail whither our post has been taken for sorting for almost a decade .
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