Example sentences of "know i [be] a " in BNC.

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1 Little did I know I was a fool slipping into danger and the black shadow of Benjamin 's great-uncle would soon trap me .
2 ‘ Did n't you know I was a proper professional teacher ?
3 A later entry reveals an undesirable recognition of her own skill as a wood carver : ‘ I know I am a minor artist , but no one , but on one is a better woodcarver .
4 ‘ I know I am a pin-up to lots of people , but I do n't consider myself pretty .
5 I know I am a rebel and am opposed to Maastricht , but I hold my views as sincerely as the Prime Minister holds his .
6 " Tupper " , declared Wilson , " you know I am a patriot .
7 You know I am a very abandoned profligate .
8 But really I do n't think so , although I did speak to the Reading manager Ian Porterfield a few minutes ago and he does seem relaxed and so do his players , so you know I am a little worried now , now we 're getting nearer kick-off I 'm beginning to get a little more worried .
9 I know I was a brilliant Bottom but you should have seen her Titania .
10 Well as you know I was a shepherd and I used to look after the Chichester Estate and we used to have a lot of erm lot of erm sheep in those days .
11 You know I 'm a martyr to migraine !
12 I know I 'm a very lucky boy , and many thanks to John Mayall for steering me right , definitely .
13 ‘ I know I 'm a fool , ’ she said , ‘ but I just ca n't seem to help myself ! ’
14 They know I 'm a players ' manager and will look after them .
15 ‘ Yeah , I know I 'm a savage compared to your itsy-bitsy English world . ’
16 I know I 'm a bitch and I do think Nora had a lot to do with it but I 've often thought that it was — you know — in the genes . ’ '
17 I know I 'm a bit late with printing tips for this fantabulous game ( the Simpsons board game 's pretty good too — Phil ) .
18 And I have to say my experience it leaves me to doubt , I know I 'm a cynic sometimes , that the space will not be used effectively and
19 What you would do in your case with children is probably appoint them all and then they do n't all have to prove so they would hopefully discuss this at the time and say Well you know I 'm a long way away why do n't you two get on with .
20 I do n't want to sound too flame-eyed and low-blink-rate about it — and , all right , I know I 'm a real simp in many areas — but I 'd say I was way ahead of Tod on this basic question of human difference .
21 Know I 'm a fool , not even trying .
22 ‘ And I know I 'm a lucky man .
23 ‘ Look , my dear , I 'm not in my dotage yet , and I know I 'm a grumbler and a complainer .
24 Since then my ( now ex- ) girlfriend was really good mates with the two of them cos she was in their year ( Yes I know I 'm a paedophile ) so that was how I got to go to their 18th birthday parties and Al 's leaving do .
25 As you 've said before , you know I 'm a privatisation man , er , and I think that comes down to number three , if we privatised the lot and pushed them further out , if they felt there was a need to do building maintenance they could do it .
26 I know I 'm a !
27 That most people you know , they wo n't try something like that , I mean , I know I 'm a bit like that myself I 'd sooner have a steak .
28 and you know , I mean I know I 'm a Geordie , Geordies are hard workers , I mean they 're noted for their hard work and it 's , it 's horrible because they 've always , they always suffer
29 Erm , yes , as you know I 'm a member of the Essex traffic group and we did state at the time there will be no looking into or no pulling down of any type of property or building , yeah , but it , erm the Council went ahead and looked at Wordsworth Road
30 I , I know I 'm a real bitch saying all this .
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